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Monarchs and viceroys both have poison in them that makes them taste bad, so by looking like each other, they gain extra mutual protection. (Predators learn one pattern and then avoid both butterflies.) The viceroy is often considered the mimic in the pair because monarchs look very similar to other related "milkweed butterflies" in their family, while the viceroy has evolved to look entirely different from its close relatives in order to better look like the monarch.

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Q: Do Monarch Butterflies mimic Vicory Butterflies?
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The Viceroy's colors mimic those of the Monarch butterfly. They do this to protect themselves against predators. Predators know that Monarch Butterflies do not taste good, so they avoid them, and therefore will also avoid the Viceroy.

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Most butterflies are very good at flying fast and changing direction quickly. Some like monarchs are toxic to predators. Other butterflies mimic the monarch so birds avoid them.

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no jamaca does not have monarch butterflies however they do pass by while migrating.

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Some monarch butterflies do indeed migrate through the state of Colorado. Monarch butterflies migrate to warmer regions during the winter.

What are the monarch butterflies closes relatives?

Monarch butterflies are large, black and orange in color with white spots. Monarch butterflies closest relatives are the milkweed butterflies.

What butterfly mimics the monarch butterfly?

The Vicerey butterfly is very similar to the Monarch but is smaller and has an extra curved line on the bottom wings. Vicorey butterflies are popular because of their mimicry.Monarch butterflies eat milk weed so when a preditor eats it it poisons the preditor.So when preditors see the Vicorey, they don't eat it.

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Monarch butterflies are cold blooded just like all insects. Monarch butterflies rest in the sun and shiver their wings to warm up when they are cold.

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