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Q: Do Native Americans believe in evil spirits?
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Does atheism believe in casting out demons or evil spirits?

no. Demons and evil spirits do not exist.

What do native Americans use to ward off evil spirits in their home?

Many burn sage, because it is supposed to clear the space of negative energies.

Can sage get rid of evil spirits?

Using sage as a deterrent for evil apparitions is a Native American ritual. The ritual is actually more of a superstition than a preventative measure. There is no evidence that sage wards off spirits. And there is no evidence that spirits are anything more than harmless natural residual energy. However if you believe in such a thing and believe that the perceived being in your home is an evil one, speak to a local priest or spiritual medium.

What is the world full of that the anasazi believe in?

Good and evil spirits

Do evil spirits really exist?

Many people believe in the existence of both good and evil spirits. In Mark 5:1-20 Is the story of Jesus casting out "evil spirits" into a herd of pigs number about 2,000. The mans name was Legion meaning "we are many". so I would be led to believe that there are at least a couple thousand evil spirits.

Do good spirits also exist and if they do what is their main cause of existence?

Yes people who believe in spirits believe there are good and evil spirits. I could not tell of their purpose of existence

What did Egyptians believe would protect them from evil spirits?

Cats, they would sit statues of cats outside their housed in belief they would ward of the evil spirits.

Are the Japanese really sadists?

No, they practice Shinto which is an indigenous religion in which they believe in good an evil spirits, sort of like native American beliefs. They also practice zen Buddhism.

Why do evil spirits harm animals?

Opinion: Evil spirits exist only in the imagination of people. Since animals are incapable of conceiving of evil spirits, they can not be harmed by them.Opinion: To answer why they do so would depend on what you believe of evil spirits. Some think it is because they are sadistic and would hurt anyone or thing weaker than they are while others believe it is simply to put fear into the hearts of humans as to what the spirit is capable of.

Who worships shintoism?

Shintoists worship thousands of gods and goddesses, spirits and ghosts. They also believe in the reverence (not worship) of their ancestors. And they believe in demons and evil spirits to be avoided.

What is the origin of dreamcatchers?

Dreamcatchers originated with Native Americans. Their purpose was to ward off evil spirits and help make the individual feel more at ease. Typically, they were meant to "hover where they slept" as a way to lock in a good nights sleep. Dreamcatchers would catch the nightmares known as evil spirits from the Gods, and this would help them to become stronger.

Why do some people believe that ouija boards are not evil?

As long as belief in the supernatural - God or gods, spirits, paranormal happenings - is not evil, then ouija boards are not evil.