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Q: Do Orca whales have one or more color?
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What happens when one of the orca mate dies do they find another mate?

Killer whales have more than one mate, as they are polygamous.

Is there more than one species of orca?


Ares orcas really whales?

Nope, the orca is the largest of the ocean dolphins. (That means it's a dolphin.) It has one blowhole, not two. Eats meat (All dolphins do, few whales do.) And is not as big as them. And Orcas have teeth most whales do not

Are Orcas and Killer Whales the same?

not at all but there are two diffrent species of orca/killer whale what ever u wanna call em. anyways one eats fish and the other eats seals, other whales and other marine mamalstrue but an orca has a very much difference between a killer whale. A killer whale belongs to the oceanic dolphin. A orca is common like a blackfish.there is no difference between Killer Whales and Orcas...they are the same animal...just they have different names... Orca (i believe) if their scientific name... they got their other name..Killer Whale...because they are known to be wild and mean in the wild... (NOTE: THEY ARE NOT MEAN they just want to don't toch their seals!!!)Theres no difference, it's just that the orca name was given to the killer whales because people might think orcas are "killers". ORCA is the scientific term for Killer Whales.there is no difference they are the same the real name is an orca but scientist say that they call them killer whales because they kill other whales

What are some warnings should fisherman look out for while fishing in the Atlantic ocean?

One thing is, WATCH OUT FOR ORCA WHALES! *a.k.a., Shamu!*

Are there more than one kind of Orcas?

yes there was only one of that kind so it was endangerd but it was a white orca but the white orca became extenct

Why are whales important and why should you protect them?

because they are no different than people they are living why should they be hurt for no reason or for a reason they are nice if you work hard to know then everyday. i am one of those people i am doing a project on Orca whales.

Does whales feel?

Killer whales have fairly smooth skin and are pretty slippery.

Is a orca whale a dolphin?

An orca is a species of dolphin. It is in the group Delphinidae a group of oceanic dolphins. The orca is only called a killer whale because it has been seen killing other whales not because it is a whale :)

What is the nickname for a killer whale?

The killer whale's actual name is Orca. The term "Killer whale" comes not from the belief that they kill indiscrminately but from the fact that they are one of the few species that will actually kill other whales. They have been documented killing much larger whales in order to feed the whole group, or Pod, as they are called. Orca's travel in pods ranging from 2 to up to 200 whales in a group. Very social and extremely intelligent, Orcas can take down a blue whale if need be. THey work as a group to get the job done.

What is bigger then an killer whale?

The question is actually wrong because ,What you meant is that maybe is there any animal bigger than whale.But you asked What is bigger than whale?, so it can be anything which is bigger than the whale.Anyway if you meant animal ,then nothing can be bigger than a blue whale.

Do killer whales attack sharks?

It is not so much that sharks are scared of killer whales, more that they are prey of killer whales. The killer whale is the oceans number one predator but this does not mean to say that as its prey the shark is scared of it. There are thousands of types of sharks. So on the whole some sharks are quite likely to be afraid of killer whales where as others probably not.