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Turkish men have fedishes for every one

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Q: Do Turkish men only like thin women or would they be attracted to a plus size woman?
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Does a bad relationship with a woman's mom draw her to women?

In one way it might because the woman would then have a longing for another motherly or loving female figure. In another way, the woman would not be attracted to other women seeing as how she has a bad relationship with her mother.

Why do men lie about being attracted to other women?

We'll think about out it, what would happen if the guy was honest and told you that he was attracted to other women? A woman thinks that if she's with a guy then suddenly she is the only attractive woman in the world - Doesn't make sense does it?

Would a man touch a women he was not attracted to?

if a man hasn't had an intimate partner in awhile it is possible that he may do something with an unattractive woman.

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it's what turns them on and is a subliminal marker in the male mind that the woman would be a good mother to your children.

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A Cancer would be attracted to an Aquarius because they admirer the aquarius's personality.

Would a gay person and a lesbian person be attracted to one another?

Not necessarily unless they are bi. A gay guy would only be attracted to guys, and a lesbian woman would only be attracted to women. However, if they are bisexual, there is a possibility that they could be attracted to each other. Anything is possible when it come to humans and their likes/dislikes, so, yes, it is possible, just not very likely.

Are Turkish people considered white or would a child of Turkish and Caucasian parents be considered mixed?

If you are a white woman and your baby's father is Turkish your baby would be half white half Turkish (mixed). Native Turks are not considered Caucasian.

Why would a man want to be with a woman he is not attracted to?

To become Popular or Jealousy

What is the correct spelling of the possessive form of 'women?

Woman is the single form. Women is the collective form. If you "possess" a woman you would say " I have a woman" If you possess a group of women, you would say "I have women"

Does being a cross-dresser make you gay?

Homosexuality and transsexuality are two different things. Transsexuals feel that they've been born in the wrong body. Homosexuals are sexually attracted to the same sex as themselves. Sometimes they coincide. So you get all combinations: -someone born a man, sexually attracted to women, but wanting to be a woman. -someone born a man, sexually attracted to men, but wanting to be a woman - someome born a woman, sexually attracted to women, but wanting to be a man -someone born a woman, sexually attracted to men, wanting to be a man. So if a transsexual is considered gay or not becomes a bit awkward, as the frame of reference would change if the person goes ahead with a sex change or not.

Are you gay if you are mainly atracked to transsexuals?

Transsexual referring to males who have had the operation or want and plan to. I would say that you are and just haven't come to terms with it yet. No matter what is done, no matter how much he may look like a woman, he is still a man without a penis. Why would you seek out a transsexual instead of a real woman if you are attracted to women. You must be attracted to men and don't want to deal with that.

Women is to women as dress is to?

WOMEN IS TO WOMEN IS TO DRESS AS TO dress But if the question was meant as WOMAN is to WOMEN is to DRESS is to the answer would be: Dress is to Dresses. Woman is the singular representing one woman, women is the plural of woman meaning more than one.