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Q: Do US Senators pay for their health insurance?
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What benefits do us senators get?

In as far as healthcare is concerned, US senators get the same health insurance as other federal employees under the FEHB program. FEHB has roughly 300 different health plans.

How does the American health care system differ from the British health care system?

In Britain we don't have to pay for our lives to be saved. We pay taxes to the National Health Service (NHS) that looks after us for free - in the US they pay health insurance, and whenever they want something done they must try and get a payout from their insurance company, and insurance companies are notorious for being difficult - as in reluctant to pay out. Of course if you have a heart attack, they will pay out.Hospitals in the US are run by private companies, funded by insurance premiums. In the UK, they are funded by government money/taxes.

How many people have health insurance?

How many people have health insurance? 85% of people in the US have health insurance. 97% of Massachusetts residents have health insurance. How about we help the 15% of people get insurance with tax breaks to pay for their insurance, instead of messing up 85% of the peoples current insurance coverage.

What would you expect to pay for health insurance in the US if you are of retirement age?

50.00 dollars a month

Does everyone in the US have health Care and if so is it for free?

No, not everyone has health care insurance and those who do have to pay for their insurance. However you will always be treated if you go to the emergency room, except it'll cost you a bundle.

Will US health insurance pay for medical treatment in Australia?

Only if it is considered medically necessary or if it is for an emergency room visit.

What are some health insurance carriers in the US?

The term health insurance is commonly used in the United States to describe any program that helps pay for medical expenses, whether through privately purchased insurance, social insurance or social welfare program funded by the government.

What is a popular health insurance program in the US?

The term health insurance is commonly used in the United States to describe any program that help pay for medical expenses, whether through privately purchased insurance, social insurance or a social welfare program funded by the government.

Do i have to pay medical and dental copays in new york state?

Many of us do, but it depends on your health insurance contract, not on state law.

When did health insurance being in the US?


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What is health inshuranse?

In the UK, we pay National Insurance, which allows us to be treated for free any time we need medical help. In other countries, America, for instance, you need to take out health insurance, or (I'm led to believe) you can be refused treatment!