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My son is thirty two years old. when he was nineteen yrs old he got a felony but he didn't received any jail time. How is that? I need to know the rights because it was his first and last time getting into any trouble since than. It is getting in the way of his career. Thank you Sherlyn

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Q: Do a person who get a felony have to do jail time?
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What is the difference between felony and misdemeanor probation?

The difference between felony and misdemeanor probation is the felony is when a person is sentence to a jail term, but it can be served out of jail. The misdemeanor probation is not given jail time. They serve a probation period.

How much time can you get for a 3rd degree felony?

A person can get between 6 and 15 years of jail time for a class b drug felony. There is no probation awarded for this class of felony.

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Is there jail time for class 0 felony in Virginia?

ALL Felony offenses have prison time attached to them.

If a person goes to jail for a year for cashing a fraudulent check over 200.00 is it probably a felony conviction?

The dollar value of the crime is probably what is defining the offense. ALSO - if the jail time was NOT MORE thanone year, it is probably a misdemeanor. If the jail time was MORE THAN one year, it's probably a felony.

What is c felony?

A class C felony is a crime that is punishable with more than 1 year of jail time and fines. The actual jail time will be decided by a judge though.

If you went to jail on a felony charge does the jail time cover a previous misdeamenor sentence?

well all i know is that you will extra time in jail

How much jail time for huband hitting wife?

The jail time for domestic violence depends on if the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony. If it is a misdemeanor jail time can be up to a year and a fine of up to $5,000. For a felony jail time can be anywhere from 3 months to three years with a fine of up to $10,000.

What are felony consequences for harboring a fugitives?

If caught it is Jail Time

What is jail time a1 felony no priors?

25 and up

How much jail time for conspiracy to commit a felony in Virginia?

The same charge and the same sentence as the person who carries out (or attempts to carry out) the offense.