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Concept of ADHIK MASS in in Lunar Calender-

The lunar calendar is based on the moon's rotation around the Earth. The lunar month corresponds to one complete rotation of Moon around the Earth. Since this period of rotation of moon around the earth varies, the duration of lunar month also varies. On average, the lunar month has about 29 ½ days. In addition to moon's rotation around the earth, the lunar year is based on earth's rotation around the Sun. In general, the lunar year has twelve lunar months of approximately 354 days, thus making it shorter by about 11 days than the solar year. However, the lunar calendar accounts for this difference by adding an extra lunar month about once every 2½ years. This extra lunar month is known as the "Adhik Mas" in India (Adhik means extra and the Mas means month). The concept of placing of the extra month, meaning why and when should it be inserted between certain lunar months is as follow.

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