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Q: Do adult golden retrievers get along with with baby German shepherds?
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How tall can a German Shephed get?

I've had two German Shepherds for companions in my entire life, and I've seen countless other adult German Shepherds. One of my neighbors bred German Shepherds. Typically, a German Shepherd should be between 2-3 feet tall from paw to head standing on all fours. Standing on their hind legs (which no German Shepherd should do for prolonged amounts of time, because of hip joint problems the origin of which is hidden somewhere in their breeding, keep this in mind whilst training a German Shepherd to do certain tricks), they can be between 3-4 feet tall. This is merely a rough estimation, but I hope it helped.

Are golden retrievers get bigger than black labs?

Golden Retrievers and Black Labs are actually pretty close in size and build. An adult male of both breeds average around 85 pounds, the females around 75. It is not too uncommon for both breeds to get larger though. My black lab was about 110 pounds and quite tall. He was very healthy and muscular. The father of my Golden Retriever puppy is around 95 pounds, and also not fatty.

What is a n adult female golden retriever called?

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Can a golden retriever kill a person?

A golden retriever can kill a young deer, but not an adult deer, unless it's an adept hunter that has learned to hunt and kill deer for food (which is probable, especially if forced to survive in the wild). Adult deer have sharp hooves that can slash a dog pretty badly if it gets too close. Rutting bucks have sharp points on their antlers that can prove fatal to a dog if the points happened to gore the dog.

Does a German Shepherd puppy get lighter when they get older?

Yes - simple answer. German shepherds coats a so varied in colour i.e. Black and Tan, sable, blue, white etc. And as they get older their adult coat will develope and they often lighter. Our GSD was 12 weeks when we got her, and she was almost completely black. Now she is mainly Tan with a black saddle.

What is the length of a golden poison frog?

5.5 (adult)

How many teeth does a golden retriever adult dog have?

an adult dog with normal dentition has 42 teeth

What is the bite force for a labrador retreaver?

Do not under-estimate the Labrador. I was out walking with my Lab. when I was attacked by 2 adult German Shepherds. My Labrador (Fred) fought them both off. He suffered no injury. Fred was one of the most dependable and gentle dogs I have had, unless a member of his family (Me, my wife, or my 2 little girls) were threatened.

Do Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers ever have blue eyes?

Most Tollers have blue eyes as puppies. Usually, however, their eyes turn gradually darker as they approach adulthood. Adult duck tolling retrievers have eyes ranging from hazel to amber in hue.

How many teeth does adult German shepherd have?

42 I believe.

What does the German word Erwachsene mean in English?

adult or adults.

What is 'Hello' in German to an adult?

There's no difference in saying "hallo" to a child or to an adult but you could say "Guten Tag"