

Do algae eaters eat your plants in your aquarium?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, because plants are not made up of algae

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Q: Do algae eaters eat your plants in your aquarium?
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Guppies will eat a bit of algae now and then but don't expect them to eat plants because they are not plant eaters. They mainly eat tiny crustacea like Daphnia and insect larvae like Mosquito wrigglers. In some places they are put in waterways to control the Mosquitos and are called Mosquito fish.

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Plants eat plant eaters... :p

What to do with baby algae eaters?

Most of the time you can just leave them in the tank. The other fish will most likely leave them alone. You can feed them wafers with algae in them. They will also eat whatever your other algae eaters eat. I hope this answer helps!

What are some fish that eat plants?

Yes! Actually, they are called Alge Eaters, or their scientific name,Gyrinocheilus aymonieri ! There are common in fish stores, and they suction themselves to the sides of an aquarium and eat the algae. Most of the time, you can find some for around six dollars at your local pet store, or aquarium. Not all of them get very big, but of course, there are different breeds and kinds.

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Yes Sometimes

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If I understand the question, meat eaters do depend on plants indirectly as the animals they eat in turn eat plants.

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