

Do all Scottish Folds have folded ears?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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9y ago

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All Scottish Folds have folded ears due to a genetic mutation.

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Q: Do all Scottish Folds have folded ears?
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Are Scottish Fold cats prone to ear infections?

The folded ears are a result of a gene mutation that gets passed on and affects the ears cartilage causing them to fold down and forward.

Are Scottish Folds active during the night?

Yes, all cats are nocturnal.

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Depending on the breed of dog, the ears will be held in different positions. Boston terrier, have narrow pointy ears set far apart on their head. Malamutes have strait rounded ears. Labradors have triangluar drooping ears. Greyhounds have the rosebud/folded ears (usually). Jack Russels have button ears. It really all depends on the individual.

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What would a Scottish Fold cat's and a Persian cat's babies look like?

Well, some cat would be long and others would be short -haired, depending on if any of the parents were long or short -haired, and some might have folded ears. That's pretty much all I can tell you if you don't give me the father and mother's pelt colors and eye colors.

Compare animals ears with human ears?

Look inside any mammal's ear, it's the same. Most have a much larger flare of the helix, but as you get closer to the auditory canal they all have the same complex series of folds. These folds exist so that different portions of the auditory spectrum are absorbed depending on which direction a sound is coming from, giving your brain one more way to separate the locations of sounds in space apart from simple binaural stereolocation.

What gives samurai sword its strength?

It is made of steel that is folded 1000 times This is incorrect. The Japanese never folded a blade more than 15-16 times, 16 folds creates 2 to the 16th power layers of steel in the blade. This is more than 65,000 layers. Folding it any more than this creates a blade with an homogeneous effect, which is what you started with in the first place, before it was folded at all. This is why they did not go any further than 16 folds because it is counter productive. The samurai swords strength and weaknesses depends on the type of blade with which it is made from. This is the major factor which plays an important role in identifying the quality of a real samurai sword.

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It results in fractures, joints and faults, features that you will have the ... shapes of folds, but most can be classified into three basic types. ... see shortly, plunging folds do not share this characteristic.

If everone folds their hand in Texas hold'em and the winning player voluntarily shows one of his cards does he have to show the other card?

You are allowed to protect your cards with your hands in any game of poker however you must ensure that your cards are visible to the dealer and all other players at the table to ensure they know you are in the hand. Depending on the houserules of the casino/homegame your hand might be folded if you "hide" your cards from the other players/dealer.