

Do all people believe in global warming?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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no. and that is the problem. There are kinds of people: People who don't understand and people who don't WANT to understand. People who don't want to understand can make up lies, like Global Warming is a theory. They can also fight with climate scientists . There is a point in humanity that we are in right now. we need to stop global warming, we are now in the point where we can't undo global warming, only stop it from getting worse. We need to.

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Are there skeptics of global warming?

There are people who don't believe global warming is happening.There are people who believe it is happening but don't believe that humans are causing it.There are people who believe all the climate scientists who believe it is happening and that we are causing it.

What do people believe about climate changes and global warming?

People believe that man is causing global warming and climate change by burning fossil fuels and cutting down the forests of the world.Other people believe that global warming is a natural event and man is not causing it.Most believe that it is partially a natural issue that man is having some unknown affect on as well. This is where most scientists fall.Other people believe that global warming is not happening at all.

What do the opponents of the global warming theory believe?

They believe what 31,479 scientists believe: there is no man-caused global warming. They all signed a petition saying so. Out of those 31,479, about 9,000 are climate scientists.

Is global warming a legitimate problem?

There are quite a few people in the world who believe that Global Warming is indeed a legitimate problem. These people have followed scientific evidence. Another answer: There are also many who believe it isn't, including many top scientists. Example: The is no correlation of temps and co2 in the atmosphere, as claimed by alarmists. There has been no warming at all since the late 90's.

Is Hurricane Sandy a tipping point for people believing in global warming?

Probably not. Many people, including many who believe in global warming, will point out that a single event cannot be attributed to climate change.A:On the other hand, many people have seen all the weird weather lately, heat waves and freezing snow, droughts and floods, and they are saying, "OK, There is definitely something happening here. Global warming must be causing all this."

Is everybody responsible to prevent global warming?

As we are all living on the planet we are all responsible for the global warming.

Is global warming warming the greatest danger to brown bears?

No, not at all. There is no evidence that the global warming is affecting brown bears.

How have people contributed to an increase in earths temperature?

Global Warming. The polar bears and penguins and all the other animals who live on ice house or home is being ruined all because of global warming.

How does the car pollution harm people?

it harms all the people in the earth, it contributes greatly to global warming.

How will global warming affect us in NZ?

well, global warming is going to affect us all.

What part of the earth is warming?

All of it- that's why it is called Global Warming

Does global warming pose a threat to japan?

Yes, global warming affects all countries with large population.