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In order to make money, these companies must use marketing. Very rarely will a company do anything for free, especially if that is their sole business.

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Q: Do all search engines use search engine marketing?
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Why is the internet the biggest search engine?

The internet is a means of connecting computer resources it is NOT the biggest search engine. Search engines are IT applications attached TO the internet.

All what search engines are meta-search engines with the exception of?

An example of non-meta-search engine is Google unlike Bing

What are types of search engines?

All search engine are same,they search your search string in different way because all search engine have different algorithms. Here some kind of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Alta vista, AOL Search etc.

What is definition meta search engines?

A meta search engine (or aggregator) is a search instrument that uses another search engine's information to deliver their own particular results from the Internet. Meta search engines take data from a client and all the while convey inquiries to outsider search engines for results.

How is a search engine and a metasearch engine dfferent?

Search engine usually have their own database of sites they craw and list in their database, for example Google, Yahoo, Ask. Meta Search Engines usually do not have their own database of crawled sites, they search the databases of real search engines, usually many search engines at the same time, and provide you results. So a meta search engine will give you results from say Yahoo and Google, some meta search engines do have database of sites submitted to them. Example of a meta search engine is DogPile.

What is a search engine and what are the different search engines available?

Search engines are the programs that search websites for specified keywords and returns a list of websites where the keywords were found.Here are some common search engines available:GoogleBingYahooBaiduYandex

Which search engine uses spiders to search documents?

they all do. spiders are how search engines find sites and determine what the site is about.

Are all search engines on Google Chrome free?

Chrome uses Google as it's default search engine. Google is the biggest search engine and is free.

Who are 21st Century Internet?

21st Century Internet are Search Engine Marketing specialists, helping your business to achieve 1st page search engine placement throughout all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN, Our friendly team will be more than happy to assist your company with your marketing and internet needs. 21st Century Internet are a UK based search engine marketing company, we are founded on the principles of offering excellent services and outstanding support, we specialise in Google engineering, search engine marketing, search engine optimisations, web hosting, website design, SEO and internet consultancy. 21st Century Internet - Tel: 0871 200 1952

When should you use a metasearch engine?

You should use a metasearch engine if you need more results than you would from a regular search engine. You can also use certain metasearch engines like Ixquick or StartPage if you are concerned with privacy. Metasearch engines are usually not search engines themselves. They redirect traffic to actual search engines and then return the results. That can help privacy since the largest search engines record the details of your search. If you use a metasearch engine, then all the large search engines would have is that the metasearch engine performed a search on their sites using whatever terms at whatever time. If the metasearch engine doesn't record your search details, then it would be harder to trace the search back to you.

What types of search engine?

All search engine are same,they search your search string in different way because all search engine have different algorithms. Here some kind of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Alta vista, AOL Search etc.

What is the biggest internet search engine?

No doubt GOOGLE is the biggest Search engine