

Do all white tiger lions have stripes?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do all white tiger lions have stripes?
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Is a Bengal tiger the same thing as a white tiger?

A white tiger is a variation of the Bengal tiger that is white with black stripes instead of orange with black stripes. All white tigers are Bengal tigers, but not all Bengal tigers are white tigers.

What dose a white tiger look like?

A white tiger is all white with black stripes the most famous is a tiger is a Mohan.

What does the Snow White tiger's name mean?

The snow white tigers do not have any stripes. The white tiger has dark stripes all over its body like the Siberian tiger. The snow white tigers do not have any stripes whatsoever. Their fur is simply white. They are sometimes also called the ghost tiger.

Do all species of white tigers have stripes?

If you are referring to the Siberian or amur tiger... yes that kind of tiger has stripes.

What are white tigers special features?

The White Tiger is a large and powerful animal that can weigh up to 300kg and reaches more than 3 meters in length. These animals move with four legs. Like other Tiger species, the White Tiger has black or dark brown stripes that run vertically along it's body, the pattern of which is unique to both the Tiger species and the individual. The Sumatran tiger has the most stripes of all the tiger subspecies, and the Siberian tiger has the fewest stripes. Tiger stripes are like human fingerprints; no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. with regards, BiMiTo ToM

What are tigers special features?

The White Tiger is a large and powerful animal that can weigh up to 300kg and reaches more than 3 meters in length. These animals move with four legs. Like other Tiger species, the White Tiger has black or dark brown stripes that run vertically along it's body, the pattern of which is unique to both the Tiger species and the individual. The Sumatran tiger has the most stripes of all the tiger subspecies, and the Siberian tiger has the fewest stripes. Tiger stripes are like human fingerprints; no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.

Why do zerbras have stripes?

Zebras are always in herds and their stripes help confuse enemies that are chasing them like lions. Lions like to chase down sick and young zeebras, but when all lions see is a black and white illusion this is very hard to disipher those zebras apart. Also, llamas like these stripes.

What colours is the tiger?

They are a combination of yellow and white color with yellow being the predominant color on the body and white in the belly area. There are black stripes throughout the body including the face and the tail.

What color is a Bengal tiger?

Bengal tigers are usually red-orange on their back and flanks, white on the belly and face, with dark brown or black stripes. Some Bengals are white with brown stripes. All of the famed "White Tigers" are descended from white Bengals from Rewa District, India. There are no white Siberian tigers, as is often thought.

Do all tiger have the same shaped stripes?

no tigers at all have exactly the same stripes. they are like zebras in the matter.

What are all the colors of a tiger?

Tigers come in a variety of colors. Though the standard and most common color is orange and black, tigers also come in a light orange with cinnamin colored stripes, Maltese (bluish with black stripes,) white with black stripes, albino (completely white,) and the extremely rare completely black. For info on the color of tigers, where the color come from, and how you can "adopt" (fund) your own tigers, lions and other big cats , go to *and remember, 2010 is the Chinese zodiac year of the white tiger, a rare occasion that only comes around every 60 years!*

Are tigers black with orange stripes or orange with black stripes?

As a matter of fact yes, all tigers have stripes unless it is some sort of hybrid. But usually the hybrids still have stripes.