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Amphibians lay their eggs in water.

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8y ago
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13y ago

It depends on the species.

Many species of frogs lay their eggs in water, but not all do e.g. the Corroboree frog.

Also, frogs of the genus Pristimantis lay their eggs on land, where they do not undergo a tadpole stage, hatching as fully metamorphosed baby frogs. Some species of frogs even give birth to live young, such as members of the African genus Nectophrynoides and other species found in the Andes and Central America.

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11y ago

Yes. Reptiles cannot lay their eggs in water.

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13y ago

They lay them in the sand not in the water. XD

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Q: Do alligators lay their eggs in land or water?
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How do alligators lay eggs?

Alligators lay roughly 20-50 eggs.

Do a caimans lay eggs?

Yes. they lay eggs, as does crocodiles and alligators.

Does alligator laid eggs on land?

Alligators make a nest from rotting leaves and dirt beside the water. They usually stay nearby while the eggs are in the nest. When the babies hatch, they make peeping noises, and the mother alligator digs them up and carries them to the water. Alligators actually make very good mothers, and care for their babies for several weeks until the babies can survive on their own.

Do amphibians have lay eggs on land?

No, they eggs are laid in water.

How do alligators give birth?

they lay eggs.

Does a crocodile lay eggs in water?

Alligators and Crocodiles are really alike, they both lay eggs the same way, and look after them the same way.

Do caimans lay eggs?

Yes; they are close cousins with the crocodile and alligators and they lay eggs as well.

Do amphibians lay their egg on land?

Most of them lay their eggs in water.

How do alligators live and travel?

They travel by walking, sprinting or swiming. They live in the water to keep cool and to hunt, and go on land to bask in the sun like lizards. They also lay their eggs on land then the mother takes them to the water to feed.

Do American crocodiles have live birth or lay eggs?

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What is an alligators classification?

Which classification would that be? Basically speaking though, an alligator is a reptile.

Does a frog lay its eggs on land or water?

Always water.