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Q: Do angel sharks lay eggs or give birth?
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Do hammer sharks have eggs or babies with out eggs?

Sharks give birth to live young

Do Sharks give birth or lay eggs?

sharks do not lay eggsShark species all lay eggs but some species retain their eggs inside them and give birth to live young when these eggs could be either. some sharks give birth and some lay eggs. it depends on what shark it is.Sharks give birth to live birthshark give birth to babiesthey give live birth unlike other cartiligious fishThey give birth live, by keeping their eggs in their bodies.

Why do some sharks give live birth?

because some sharks are different. most sharks give live birth and only about 40% of sharks lay eggs and there is 400 species of sharks.

Do sharks give birth to young alive or lays eggs?

Both. Most do give live birth but some species lay eggs

A sharks eggs help the shark to do what?

They help it reproduce get it. Some sharks give live birth.

How many sharks give live birth?

Some sharks lay eggs on the bottom of the ocean, called devil's wheelbarrows or mermaid's purses. Most sharks give birth to live young.

How large is a sharks eye?

Sharks do not lay eggs, they give birth to live offspring called 'pups'.

Do hammerhead sharks lay eggs or give birth to young alive?

Yes, unlike some species of sharks that lay eggs. They produce litters of up to 50 pups.

How do whale sharks nurse their eggs?

Actually sharks don't lay eggs. They are mammals so they give birth to live sharks. I hope this helps and please recommend me!

Do great whit sharks lay eggs?

no the give birth to live young

Do basking sharks lay eggs or give live birth?

Yes. They can lay a lot at a time. They will lay about 20 babies.

Do seahorses have eggs or live birth?

it depends on the type of fish fish like sharks give birth to live young and fish like clown fish lay eggs