

Do animals breathe like humans

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Pretty much. It's what make us mammals. Same subconscious part of the brain controlling breathing and heart rate.

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Q: Do animals breathe like humans
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Marine animals.

What iype of gas do humans need to breath?

Oxygen is the gas humans and animals need to breathe in.

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Wolves, like many animals, get their oxygen from the air that they breathe, just like humans.

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The same way most animals do - using its lungs !

What is Animal Respiration?

It is how animals respire, or breathe. We humans respire with lungs. Not all animals have lungs. For example, fish have gills, which they use to respire. Frogs breathe through their skin. All mammals (animals with hair) have lungs though, so they breathe like we do.

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the same way humans do

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plants are also food - for humans, animals and insects. In a world without soil, ... Soil also acts as a filter for the water we drink. Drink- ing water ... How do soils make life and lives make soil? ... Just like we need clean air to breathe, for soil to be ...

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Just like us humans they breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Which animals breathe through nostrils?

Many lower animals don't have noses and breathe through their skin.

How does terreistial animals breath?

the terrestrial animals, or amphibious animals, breathe by lungs.they intake oxygen from air through nose and the respiration took place in lungs like us humans ;-)

How do monkey's breathe?

They breathe through their mouth and nose and have lungs, just like humans. :)

Do ligers breathe?

they breathe just like humans, out of their nose and mouth