

How does a lizard breathe?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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The same way most animals do - using its lungs !

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10y ago

Lizards have lungs like humans do. They have nostrils to bring in air to their lungs like humans do.

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How does a european legless lizard breathe?

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Animals need a climate that is fitting for their adaptations. If you switched a polar bear and a lizard, or a fish and a monkey, to the opposing habitat, they would die. Monkeys cannot breathe under water, and fish need water to breathe. The Polar Bear would expire from heat stroke, and the lizard would die from freezing.

Do lizards breathe the same way as caterpillars?

No. Like most land vertebrates lizard breath by pumping air into and out of their lungs through the nose. Caterpillars are insects and breathe by letting air passively circulate through spiracles in their sides.

Do komodo dragons breathe fire?

Their bodies work like a lizard's, and since dragons have a system of fire flowing from their life source in their belly to everywhere else in their body and komodo dragons don', komodo dragons cannot breathe fire, unfotunately. +++ The Komodo Dragon is just a large lizard whose physiology is much the same as any other lizard's. The fire-breathing type of dragon is entirely mythical. Just as is its alleged physiology.

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Most reptiles exchange gases through their lungs. The lungs of reptiles are folded so as to make enough room for gaseous exchange.

Do bearded dragons breath when they sleep?

No, bearded dragons do NOT breathe fire. They are only lizard with the word 'dragon' in their name.

What is the name of a aquatic lizard?

well it depends what kind of lizards some most are land animals there is the famous iguana from the galapagos islands that are the only iguanas that could swim and the jeus' lizard which that's not its real name but was givin to it for its ability to walk so fastthat is walks over the water

What is lizard pee?

Lizard pee is the urine of a lizard.

Why is lizard classify as a reptile?

Reptiles have a backbone. They are vertebrates.Reptiles are covered in scales.Reptiles breathe with lungs.Most reptiles lay eggs. Some reptiles, like the boa constrictor, give birth to live young.Almost all reptiles are cold-blooded.

Was there ever a lizard pin that was a real live lizard?

No, a live lizard has not been a lizard pin.

Is a monkey lizard a reptile or not?

A monkey lizard is a lizard and therefore a reptile.