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Q: Do animals really abandon their young if humans touch them?
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Will mother ducks abandon their ducklings if humans touch them?

No. She won't abandon them. But a human mother might, if you handle her children. Don't do it. It pisses moms off, seriously.

Why animals are cruel?

Animals are not really cruel. They can't be. They have an instinct to survive like all animals (including humans) on this planet. Their survival comes first. So if you get too close to an animal it's not really their fault if you get bitten or maulled.

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Animals are quite clever but not as clever as humans as animals have diffrent ways of surving and comunicating

How does a swallow caterpaillar protect itself?

With the fungus on its back that can give humans or other animals a disease it they touch it.

Can you touch duck eggs?

No if you touch duck eggs or alert the duck to the fact you know where her best is she may leave and or abandon the eggs

If you touch the newborn pup will the mom eat it?

No it will not. Not even wild animals will reject their babies if touched by humans, that's a wivestale.

Can you touch your parakeets eggs?

The thought that a bird will abandon its eggs if you touch them is a myth/exaggeration. However, it is not recommended you touch your parakeet's eggs as they are quite fragile.

If sleeping under the tree is dangerous for human then what about birds and animals living on or under the tree?

birds is okay cos' they don't touch the ground but most animals is the same case as humans

Why should people not touch manatees?

you shouldn't really worry about that because they are slow and heavy animals and they are bad at hearing.

How do mice memorize?

Through sense. Same way humans do. Smells, sight, hearing, touch - these main 3 allow humans & animals to connect objects with situations & actions. That is how mice remember things.

Can humans technically touch anything?

No. For example, humans can't touch the sun's core without being incinerated instantly.

Can you really love someone in prison?

Yes you can really love someone in prison, people in prison are humans just like you and me. there are lots of things that you can share with them. there is one thing that is missing and that the ability to touch and hold someone. but there is more to a relationship than touch and holding someone.