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Q: Do animals turn into soil when they die?
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How do animals that live in the soil help in the soil formation?

When the animals die they are decomposed and that make the soil more fertile.

How do animals that live in soil help the soil formation?

When the animals die they are decomposed and that make the soil more fertile.

How is animals recycled?

Their bodies decay, and are also eaten by other animals, which in turn poop the nutrients into the soil.

Where does the nitrogen from animals or plants go when they die?

into the soil to feed plants

What are the life cycle of animals and plants?

the plant: First, the seed is blown off of another plant, or the plant dies and some remaining seeds survive and plant themselves. they grow, send off more seeds, die and become soil. as they die, they turn into mulch or fertilizer. animals: the baby is born, grows up, eats plants, helps plant the seeds, gets old, dies and turns into soil. actually, the animal does NOT turn into soil. it turns into a skeleton. but, after a L O N G time, the animal will disintegrate

What would happen to the animals on earth if we didn't have any soil?

they would die and their decaying bodies would become soil

How does carbon get soil?

Plants and animals are composed largely of carbon so when they die and decompose much of that carbon is put into the soil.

What composes the soil?

Decayed plants and animals compose the soil. When plants and animals die they decay and become part of the soil. New plants grow causing herbivores to come and eat the plants. Well you know how the cycle goes and then the dead animals and plants become part of the soil once again

What composes soil?

Decayed plants and animals compose the soil. When plants and animals die they decay and become part of the soil. New plants grow causing herbivores to come and eat the plants. Well you know how the cycle goes and then the dead animals and plants become part of the soil once again

Why are soil with humus fertile?

when plants and animals die, their bodies are acted upon by decomposers. They become part of the soil.

What is the impact of soil pollution?

Plants feeding on it die, and that can intoxicate/starve animals. These animals are the poisonous and not fit for human consumption.

What effect does washing away of soil have on ecosystem?

The washing away of soil can lead to erosion and can effect the plants some animals eat.The animals who eat these plants may even die.