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into the soil to feed plants

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Q: Where does the nitrogen from animals or plants go when they die?
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Do plants and animals play a role in the water carbon and the nitrogen cycles?

yes plants do they go through photosynthesis

What happens to nitrogen of plants and animals when they die?

It goes back into the soil.

How is nitrogen cycle?

when nitrogen go from soil to back in atmosphere due to nitrogen fixing bacteria then it again return to soil due to lightning, dead animals, roots of plants and by other ways. and again go to atmosphere in this way nitrogen cycled.

How do plant and animal cells help each other to survive?

Photosynthesis: Plants do the Photosynthesis, if they don't, they die. If the plants die, then herbivores will die out and the carnivores will go with them.Cellular Respiration:

When carbon from plants and animals die where does it go?

Either underground or into the air - as CO2.

What happen to the bodies of plants and animals after they die?

they go to heaven and become bffs with god

Where does nitrogen from the atmosphere go before it enters the plants?

The nitrogen goes into the nodules of the plant.

What will happen to animals if all plants vanish and vice verse?

If all plants vanish from the planet, then there will be no food for plant eating animals and they will die of hunger and the animal eating animals (Carnivorous.) die as they will not have plant eating animals to eat. Also Carbon bi oxide will go on increasing and Oxygen go on decreasing, as animals will respire to produce it and plants are are not there to convert it back to Oxygen. Vise verse if all animals vanish from the earth, then Plants will not get the Carbon bi oxide, required for photosynthesis and they will also die of starvation, as they also need food for there growth and respiration.

How do humans release nitrogen?

Much like humans, animals go through a process of metabolic waste to rid themselves of the toxins in their system. Some of the chemicals animals get rid of include nitrogen, phosphates, sulfates, water, and uric acid.

How does nitrogen in the soil move into a cow?

nitrogen in soil is taken by the plants when that are growing. As cow eat plants these nitrogen present in the plants go inside cow body and converted into glucose for giving cow the energy to move etc...

How do nitrogen get into the soil?

The soil has nitrogen in a form that is needed in plants, and plants can get this with water and ions. Because the soil is negatively charged, plants can release cations that releases the nutrients, such as nitrogens.

How does water become available for plants and animals?

in the case of plants, it rains. Animals can go to streams, lakes or rainpools. Many animals get lots of moisture from plants.