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To find a place that exists for born transsexuals who oppose homosexuality and recreational transgenderism it is best to search groups on Facebook or other social media sites. If you feel this way, chances are so do other people.

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Q: Do any places exist for born transsexuals who oppose homosexuality and recreational transgenderism?
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The term "advocating homosexuality" is generally used by people who oppose gay rights. It is the mistaken belief that you can encourage people to be gay, which is impossible.

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The topic of homosexuality was not openly discussed in Napoleon's time.

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Yes. The word is usually considered clinical, and tends to be used more by those who oppose gay rights.

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He opposes it and says that homosexuality is abnormal.

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Although Sikh tradition has no teaching on homosexuality, Sikh leaders generally condemn same-sex marriage and have worked to oppose its legalization.

Is that true that most transgender people are gay?

Note: Please do not merge this question with similar questions using the word "transsexual." Transsexual persons are born with their condition and seek to eliminate it. They don't choose to become transsexual. Many transsexual persons find being lumped with transgendered persons to be offensive, and some even oppose the transgender and/or LGBT Communities.This is difficult to answer, but it seems the answer is no. A transgendered person is either someone who chose to vary their gender expression or who will never get surgery. For many, transgenderism is only recreational. No study has been done on this.

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Mr. Tsvangirai urges the decriminalization of homosexuality and the inclusion of gay rights in Zimbabwe's new constitution.

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Homosexuality has never been "promoted". On the contrary, sexuality that is outside the norm is usually regarded with distaste, hatred, and scorn from a large portion of society (sometimes the majority in culturally backward countries or among populaces with poor education). What has been promoted is "equality." But this is such a horrifying idea to some, that they oppose gay rights.

Does Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda of Tanzania support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Mr. Pinda refuses to entertain the idea of decriminalizing homosexuality in Tanzania, even when threatened with the loss of foreign aid fom the UK.

How does Judaism feel about transgender surgeries?

Orthodox Jews oppose transgenderism and often see it as a mental illness.Liberal Jews, especially Reconstructionist Jews, permit transgender individuals to express themselves and to do whatever they feel that they need to in order to achieve that.

Why do groups opposed to homosexuality and recreational transgenderism often bait and switch and attack the unrelated group of born transsexual persons instead?

Many people have minimal knowledge about the birth anomaly of transsexualism, and they confuse it with various sexual preferences. There is no way to know what goes on in the mind of people and why they attack others. However, here are probably some common reasons: 1. LGBT opponents often don't realize that transsexualism is not a sexual preference and is not the same thing as recreational/non-op transgenderism. They don't realize it is more akin to a medical condition and not a choice nor orientation. 2. The opponents don't realize that not all TS persons support the LGBT community. There are TS groups which try to promote TS folks apart from the LGBT and show everyone they are a part of the Mainstream (general public) community. 3. The opponents don't realize that many to most TS persons consider themselves Mainstream, not a part of the LGBT. If having cancer doesn't mean you are a part of the LGBT, they why should being born with the wrong genitals? Most TS persons never asked to be a part of the TG nor LGBT communities. 4, LGBT opponents tend not to notice nor appreciate the risks that TS persons who are also a part of the opposition take. 5. LGBT opponents tend to confuse the choice to crossdress with the need for corrective surgery. They see the surgery as the furtherance of a "delusion," not as something therapeutic and habilitative. 6. Most TS persons who oppose LGBT behaviors and recreational crossdressing never speak up. So people on both sides of the debate mistake their silence for assent or even consent. 7. The media does a good jump in lumping those with transsexualism in with people that the public really does hate. Most people who think they dislike persons born with transsexualism really don't. They just don't know this is a birth condition and that transsexualism is not a recreational behavior, not a way to vary someone's gender, and not a form of homosexuality. 8. Haters in general tend to believe stereotypes, look at everyone in lumps, and paint everyone with a wide brush.

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