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yes they do. Not!

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Q: Do arrows need feathers to fly straight?
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Why does an arrow need feathers?

so the arrow will spin and fly straight. P.S. it makes it fly farther.

Ostriches cannot fly would you expect them to have more down feathers or contour feathers why?

Ostriches have down feathers. Because they can not fly they have no need for contour feathers...

How do you make rocket fly straight?

i would recommend using feathers, if you only have 2, put them directly across from each other, if you have 3 feathers put 2 feathers on the same way as if you had 2 and 1 in in the middle of them on 1 side. make sure that when shooting the arrows the feathers don't touch the bow because they will break off or slow down the arrow.

Do you need feathers to fly fish?


How many feathers do a ostrich need to fly?

Ostriches can't fly.

Why do birds that need feathers?

Birds need their feathers because they need to fly and stay warm and covered.If the parakeet has no feathers I'm pretty sure it's a second old.

How many feathers do you need to fly?

It depends on how much you weigh.

Why don't humans have feathers?

Humans don't have feathers because they are not birds. They do not fly themselves and do not need feathers. They have skin alone that protects and covers them.

Do feathers help birds fly easier?

Birds cannot fly at all without their feathers.

Is it possible to fly with chicken feathers taped together?

yes. but you need to really image it and believe in it.

What do you need to to go fly fishing?

The 2 things you need to go FLY FISHING is feathers, which come from any sort of chicken or bird in Runescape. Also, a Fly-fishing rod.Hope this answerd your QUESTION!

How does a birds tail help it fly?

the tail has flight feathers and the flight feathers help a bird to fly.