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Atoms and molecules are to small to see under a microscope.

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Q: Do atoms and moleclue's look spherical inside a microscope?
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What is the answer to state in which atoms or moleclues are very close together and are reguarly arranged?

This is the definition of a solid.

What do moleclues and atoms have in common?

Molecules are formed with bonds between either atoms or ions, which are just charged atoms (more or less electrons than protons). (:

Can moleclues bond?

Atoms within the molecules bond with one another through a process of sharing electrons.

What did John Dalton imagine atoms to be?

spherical shape

What is the world's strongest microscope and what can it measure?

the electron microscope can measure atoms

What microscope lets you see individual atoms?

electron tunneling microscope

What do you use a electron microscope for?

To see atoms or other extremely small things that you can not see in a light microscope. Even with an electron microscope, atoms are still barely visible.

What is the actual shape of helium?

Atoms are generally spherical in shape.

can a scientist see atoms?

They can't see atoms with a naked eye, but they can use an electron microscope or a STM (scanning tunneling microscope).

How scientists view atoms?

They view atoms through an electron microscope.

Do atoms of different elements have similar shapes?

Atoms of any element are usually considered to be spherical in shape.

What microscope saw atoms for the first time?

I suyppose that this is the atomic force microscope.