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Everything takes up space and has weight so why doesnt can't feel it because its to small to feel or see,touch etc.

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16y ago

Yes, there are. Not very many, but there are some out there. Within the solar system, the solar wind is a breeze of (mostly) protons and electrons. Though their kinetic energies are quite high, they can combine to create hydrogen atoms. In deep space, there is almost no matter floating around at all, but one can expect to see an atom or two every now and then. The vacuum of space is not perfect.

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13y ago

Contrary to popular belief, space is far from empty Even though it is basically a vacuum.

Thinking about if for a few seconds, one could conclude that photons exist in space; otherwise we would not be able to see it. Also, Neutrinos created by gamma-and cosmic rays created by stars(like Sol) interacting and decaying shortly after being created.

There are also many other particles in our solar system(that humanity knows of), like Hydrogen(H2) and Helium(He4){with varying isotopes, dependant on particle interactions} these are created by decaying gamma and cosmic rays(mentioned earlier) - Check the Feynmann Diagram and particle interactions diagram - Also check the Standard model of elementary particles of particle physics for referance. Off course these interactions and decays originate from stars, like Sol, and is not applicable for deep space, other then how far these particles would travel into deep space before decaying or interacting with other particles(to simply transition them into other particles with their own characteristics{Velocity, Spin, Energy, Mass etc.})

To answer your question... it is highly unlikely that any part of space exists where absolutely no particles are present, the most likely place to start searching for true empty space, in my opinion, would be the out skirts of our universe.

For further information:

There are 16 elementary particles on the Standard model. 6 Quarks(3 flavours - horizontal) and 3 colors each(R ed, G reen, B lue). Each with it's corresponding anti-particle. Baryon Composite particles such as neutrons and protons are constructed of these(P - uud , N - ddu). 6 Leptons(3 flavours - horizontal). Each with it's own corresponding anti-particle. And 4 Bosons(not counting the Higgs Boson{which is a hypothetical particle used to determine mass})...the photon and gluon with zero mass and integer spin and the W and Z bosons.

There are also a couple other hypothetical particles not mentioned here.

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Q: Do atoms have weight and take up space?
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Does matter have weight and take up space?

Yes, matter has weight because it has mass, which is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. Matter also takes up space because it has volume, which is the amount of physical space an object occupies.

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Does it take up space and made of atoms? Yes, concrete is matter

What takes up space in a atom?

Atoms don't neccassarilly have space inside of them. Atoms are very small peices of matter, orbiting around each other. The nucleus contains neutrons and protons, and electrons orchit this nucleus. I am not sure what you exactly mean by "space in an atom" but atoms are very small, and take up hardly any space.

Are atom and element both matter?

Yes , because they both have mass and take up space.

Anthing that takes up space and has mass?

The object must be made up of matter to take up space and have mass. Examples include atoms, molecules, cells, and various objects such as furniture and rocks.

What is the term defined as anything that has mass and can take up space?

The term defined as anything that has mass and can take up space is matter. It includes all substances that we encounter in our daily lives, such as solids, liquids, and gases. Matter is made up of atoms and molecules.

Where are atoms?

To put it simply: everywhere. All matter (anything that takes up space) is made up of atoms.

How are particles in solids liquids and gases alike?

they all take up space and all have matter, mass, and weight

What is true of an atoms's nucleus?

negatively charged and takes up most of the atoms space Takes up most of the atoms mass and is negatively charged

How much room does a stacked weight machine take up?

14 by 14 square foot will be plenty of space.