

Do azaleas like sheep manure

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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No and yes, azaleas may or may not like sheep manure. The acidic soil-loving, flowering shrub in question responds better to sheep manure that is aged before application. Sheep manure serves as a fertilizer high in organic matter, potassium and sulfur even though it possibly suffers from weed seeds that will be detected and removed during aging.

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Yes, but it is better if it has aged and ask the farmer what drenches he gave the sheep and watch out for weed seeds if it is fresh manure.

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One is just as good as the other, and really it depends on what you're using the manure for!

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They eat it, digest it, and then pass the undigested or unused feedstuffs out the bowel as manure.

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No. Any animal that defecates is one that makes manure. For instance, chickens, turkeys, goats, sheep, deer, horses, bison, elk, etc. are manure-producers who's feces can be used to fertilize fields and pastures.

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Palatka Azaleas was created in 1936.