

How do you use manure in a sentence?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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the manure next to the barn smells like crap.

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Q: How do you use manure in a sentence?
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Pile the manure in heaps over there. When I was MUCH younger, I used heaps of sugar in my tea.

Why do people use organic fertilizers?

Do you mean manure? Manure has nitrogen that plants use.

What kind of animal can you use to make fuel of its manure?

cow... actually you use the gases from decomposing manure.

Is horse manure good lawn fertilizer?

Horse manure is a good fertilizer, however, their are other animal manure that is better, such as cow manure. Horse manure works fine too though.but the best to use is elephant manure.

When is the best time of year to use horse manure?

Any time really, you just have to wait a while. Horse manure is not like cow manure. You can't use it for soil right away.

What is the best way to use manure for fertilizer?

Horse manure needs to be composted for about one year before it is safe to place around plants. You compost manure in mush the same way you would anything else. Once it reaches the consistency of dirt then it's safe to use. Most people seem to have their own 'recipes' for composts.

Do chrysanthemums need manure?

It is a good idea to use aged manure or compost when planting chrysanthemums.

Is it safe to use horse manure on tomato plants or can I get sick from E-coli?

Yes and yes. The horse manure should be well rotted before use as fresh manure can burn stems and roots. Only if there is E.coli,which is unlikely, in the manure is there any risk.

Why do people use manure in their gardens?

People use manure in their gardens so that they have richer soil into which they grow their crops or gardens. It helps keep the plant healthier, which in turn means it is more likely to live and this is what people appreciate and why they use manure in their garden.

What do you have to do to get the UFO working on Poptropica?

Use the manure.

Why do farmers use manure on their fields?

For fertilizer.

How do you make manure tea?

I know you soak horse manure in water...then use the liquid as a natural fertilizer...but how long?