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Yes, they do, badger's are mammals and they nurse baby badgers

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Q: Do baby Badger's get milk from their mom?
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What will a new born baby eat?

Milk. Preferably from baby's Mom. Infant formula if breast milk is not available.

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Their mothers utters.

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Calves, or baby manatees, drink milk from under the mom's flipper or fin.

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no! they need their mothers milk.

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After 6 weeks or something, yes. Not when it NEEDS its mom's milk.

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No, you don't eat your mom's boobs. Your mom makes milk inside her boobs just like a mother cow does, and the baby drinks the milk through the nipple.

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No. Calves don't eat their mom's cud, they drink or suckle milk from their mom.

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They drink their mother's milk and sample the kind of things their momma eats.

What do you call a baby badger?

Baby badgers are known as kits or cubs