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They're called grolar bears, i'm not even joking, Google it.

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No, they cannot.

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Q: Do bears give birth in the winter?
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Do bears give birth in the spring?

No. The majority of bears give birth during the winter.

Why do polar bears give birth to live young?

Polar bears, like all bears, give birth to live Young.yes.

Do polar bears give birth or lay eggs?

Bears give birth to baby 'cubs' usually 1, 2 or 3 cubs to a litter.

How do bears give birth?

Bears are mammals so they give birth as any other mammal do. No eggs. During hibernation

Do polar bears give live birth or not live birth?

Yes, they do give live birth

When do pregnant female polar bears hibernate?

Yes, for three months while they are pregnant.

Does the polar bear lay eggs or give birth to live babies?

Polar bears are mammals and give live birth.

Do polar bears have a live birth?

Yes, they give live birth

Do foxes give birth in the winter?

No, foxes generally give birth in the spring.

Where do polar bears sleep when it's winter?

On the ice or a snow bank. Most polar bears do not hibernate during the winter. Those that do are heavily pregnant sows that dig themselves a hole in a snow bank and stay there for several months to give birth to and care for their newborn cubs.

Where do black bears hibornate?

Bears do not really hibernate. They will fall into a deep sleep, but vital signs remain near normal. They sleep in dens they find or dig themselves. Females give birth in these dens over winter.

Do polar bears have live babies or lay eggs?

Polar bears give live birth.