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You can do research to see which kind of fish work well with bettas, but they don't really get lonely. Whatever you do DO NOT put another beta in the tank! They will fight until one dies- you don't want that, right?

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Q: Do betta fish want other fish with them when they are alone?
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Related questions

Why does my female Betta fish chase the male Betta around?

The Betta fish want to kill eachother. That's what all Betta fish want to do, that's a natural thing.

What fish are compatible with male bettas?

Betta's are pretty good with other fish, it's rare that they will fight, maybe with other betta's

Can a betta fish live with another betta of the opposite gender?

yes but once the female runs out of eggs to make babies the male will kill herNo, unless you want: 1. To kill the two betta's or 2. You want eggs. As you probably know, betta's are also called Siamese fighting fish. so if you leave 2 betta's alone in one tank, they will mostly kill each other in the next hour. Good Luck!Source(s): I own a betta, and it has been living with me for 3 years

How do you kill a betta fish?

why would you want to kill a betta D:

Should you get a betta fish and are thay boring?

If you want an active fish that moves around a lot then a Betta is not for you.

Why your betta fish run when facing other betta fish?

The Betta fish runs away when facing another Betta because its the first time facing another one. Or its just scared of it and doesn't want to fight since its not use to it and its a FIGHTING fish. But once its use to it the other Betta they well start getting up close to each other face to face and start ripping out each others fins out and basically trying to kill each other chasing each other around.

Why do betta fish tend to react badly when they see their reflection?

i read that beta males are very territorial. it might just be that the fish is not self aware and believes he is seeing a male that is threatneing. so for him he's just trying to get the other fish scared or to prepare to fight even though there is no other fish.

What type of fish does not dirty the fish bowl fast?

If you want a fish bowl fish I recommend a betta fish but, none do.

Why do bettas fight?

bettas fight because they think the other betta is trying to take their land or female

Can humans eat Betta fish?

It depends what food the other fish eats. Bettas are carnivorous, so they eat meat. If the betta food is meat (which it most likely is) and the fish you want to feed is a also a freshwater carnivore, then, chances are, you can feed the fish betta food.

What fish bisides a betta can go in a fish bowl?

none unless you want to be super cruel

What fish can a betta stay with?

" They can't stay with any fish! DON'T TRY IT! Male bettas will kill the other fish and females might too so don't try it just keep your betta by itself and don't worry about them being lonely. They are solatairy fish, they don't get lonely. If you want more than one betta fish in your bowl get wo females to live with each other but don't put males together or don't pout any other fish with bettas. thanks, ~LilyLove5