

Why do bettas fight?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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15y ago

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bettas fight because they think the other betta is trying to take their land or female

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14y ago

The betta fish is a territorial fish- it is the male that looks after the eggs once they are fertilised and therefore want's the most space to do so

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Do bettas kill guppys?

Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish

Do betta fish fight with other breeds of fish?

No. Male Bettas only fight with other male Bettas.

Why do boy bettas hate other boy bettas?

bettas are very territorial fish, the males fight for their territiory.

How do they hunt on other fish?

Male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with any other species at all.

How do you know when male bettas wants to fight with female bettas?

His gills will flare up.

Do bettas fight with other bettas?

yes. my friend found that out the hard way. they will kill each other

Why do male bettas try to fight their reflection?

They see them the same as other male bettas,as competition,they cannot tell the diffrence between their reflections and other bettas.

Why can't bettas be in the same tank together?

bettas cant be in the same tank together because bettas wher ment to fight eachother or diffrent aquatic animals.

Why do New Born Bettas Fight?

they do not unless it is over food

Why do bettas fight each other?

because they are very territorial

Do bettas fight for weman?

yes bettas do fight for the woman that is y u only puts one male and one female in a tank together. but no more than one male.

Will a male betta attack a female?

Only male Bettas fight and they will only fight with other male Bettas. A male Betta will kill the female if she will not spawn with him. He will also kill her after she has spawned if she is not removed.