

Do black holes suck us back in time?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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There is a theory that it might, but nobody really knows.

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Q: Do black holes suck us back in time?
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What is bigger black holes or asteroids?

Black holes. They can be so large that they can suck up universes at a time

What do black holes suck in?

Absolutely anything and everything. They may even suck up time(!!!!!), but no one knows for sure.

What can you say about black holes?

Black holes were stars that were so massive that they collapsed on itself. The gravity in black holes is infinite and more you get closer to it, more time gets slower. Black holes suck all matter that is too close. Even light can't escape Black holes.

Are black holes so strong that they can suck in light?

Yes. The gravitational "Pull" of a black hole is so intense that EM radiation is pulled into it, and even time is warped. However, black holes do not "suck in" anything. A black hole is a region of space toward which things are forced. So light is actually pushed, rather than pulled, toward a black hole.

Can black holes alter time?

Can black holes alter time? Probably... I mean a black hole interfears with time and space... maybe... just maybe.... we could go either to the future or back to the... past.

Do black holes suck in electricity?

Black holes don't in fact 'suck in' anything; I know you are using the word as a figure of speech. The gravity of a black hole is so strong that if an electric current, or something conducting an electric current, goes below the event horizon, the electricity will not escape. There is some evidence suggesting that black holes do decay over vast time periods. Currently, even the absorption of the background radiation is more than enough to compensate for any decay that is happening in most large black holes.

How does a black hole suck up other planents?

Black holes are basically highly compressed massive (has lots of mass) parts of space. The large amount of mass warps the space time around the black hole which causes intense gravity that suck everything in.

How fast can Black holes suck something up?

You would think very fast, since their gravity is so strong. However, the closer to a black hole something gets, the more warped is the spacetime. Time appears very slow near a black hole, so the question is does it take a really long time to suck summat up?

What happens to stars that are black holes?

They will remain as black holes for a long, long time.

How does a black hole suck in large objects?

Black holes do not "suck in" large objects; black holes "suck in" only dust and plasma. This is because by the time a large object gets anywhere near the event horizon of a black hole, the tidal forces caused by the gravity of the black hole has already pulverized whatever mass the object had. The gravitational force of a black hole's singularity is almost impossible to comprehend. It may not be strong enough to tear apart the nuclear forces of an atom. but it is certainly powerful enough to rip any two atoms apart, no matter how tight the chemical bonds might be.

Are dead stars black holes?

Yes. They get sucked into black holes all the time!

How does a black hole suck you up?

Since black holes have a huge mass, objects are attracted to it. Once you reach a point called the Event Horizon, good luck getting out. YOU WILL NOT. We do not know much about death by black holes at this time, but some scientists believe that once you reach a certain point, you will be ripped to a strand of atoms. I do not recommend going near a black hole.