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Black holes do not "suck in" large objects; black holes "suck in" only dust and plasma.

This is because by the time a large object gets anywhere near the event horizon of a black hole, the tidal forces caused by the gravity of the black hole has already pulverized whatever mass the object had. The gravitational force of a black hole's singularity is almost impossible to comprehend. It may not be strong enough to tear apart the nuclear forces of an atom. but it is certainly powerful enough to rip any two atoms apart, no matter how tight the chemical bonds might be.

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Black holes don't "suck" objects in. Their strong gravitational pull causes objects that get too close to be pulled in by their immense mass and high density. Once an object crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it cannot escape due to the extreme gravitational forces within.

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Q: How does a black hole suck in large objects?
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Can a black hole suck up Jupiter?

A black hole could potentially consume Jupiter if it entered the black hole's event horizon, the point of no return. However, the likelihood of Jupiter encountering a black hole and being sucked up is extremely low due to the vast distances between objects in space.

Do white holes suck up objects like black holes do?

White holes are theoretical regions of spacetime that expel matter and energy outward, the opposite of black holes which pull matter in. They do not suck up objects like black holes do. However, there is no observational evidence for the existence of white holes in the universe.

What does a black hole do with what it suck in?

The material sucked in to a black hole becomes part of the black hole - that is, a black hole crushes matter to an nearly no size, at all.

Can a black hole collapse a galaxy?

A single one, no, not realistically. A single one, no, not theoretically. Most of what black holes "suck up" isn't really destroyed inside the black hole. It may be spaghettified and then thrown off into the infinite ether of space in a quasar, but no black hole is large enough (or is there a galaxy small enough) for one to destroy (or suck up) a galaxy.

How does a black hole suck up everything?

Black holes do not suck things in. Objects fall in through gravity; the same force that makes things fall on Earth, only much stronger. Gravity is so strong because a very large mass, at least several times the mass of the sun, is compacted into a tiny area. At great distances of millions of miles or more the gravitational effects are no different from those of a large star. It is only when you get within a few thousand miles of the black hole that the extreme gravity starts to have strange effects.

Related questions

Do Black holes suck in all Matter?

No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.

Do black hole suck the sun?

In theory, yes, a black hole could suck up the sun.

Does a black hole suck in stuff?

Just like any object, a black hole will attract objects in its surrondings. The Sun can "suck in" a comet that ventures too close, for example, but the Sun is not a black hole. The Earth can "suck in" a meteor that comes close to the Earth.The distinctive feature of a black hole is that nothing gets out again - except indirectly, through the Hawking radiation, and that is very, very slow.Just like any object, a black hole will attract objects in its surrondings. The Sun can "suck in" a comet that ventures too close, for example, but the Sun is not a black hole. The Earth can "suck in" a meteor that comes close to the Earth.The distinctive feature of a black hole is that nothing gets out again - except indirectly, through the Hawking radiation, and that is very, very slow.Just like any object, a black hole will attract objects in its surrondings. The Sun can "suck in" a comet that ventures too close, for example, but the Sun is not a black hole. The Earth can "suck in" a meteor that comes close to the Earth.The distinctive feature of a black hole is that nothing gets out again - except indirectly, through the Hawking radiation, and that is very, very slow.Just like any object, a black hole will attract objects in its surrondings. The Sun can "suck in" a comet that ventures too close, for example, but the Sun is not a black hole. The Earth can "suck in" a meteor that comes close to the Earth.The distinctive feature of a black hole is that nothing gets out again - except indirectly, through the Hawking radiation, and that is very, very slow.

Why will a black hole suck things up?

A black hole will "suck things up" for the same reason that the Sun, or Jupiter, or Earth, "suck things up", although I would prefer the term "attracts things gravitationally". All those objects attract things thanks to their gravitational attraction - this, in turn, is related to its mass, i.e., more massive objects have a larger gravitational attraction.

Can a black hole suck up Jupiter?

A black hole could potentially consume Jupiter if it entered the black hole's event horizon, the point of no return. However, the likelihood of Jupiter encountering a black hole and being sucked up is extremely low due to the vast distances between objects in space.

How does a black hole suck up other planents?

Black holes are basically highly compressed massive (has lots of mass) parts of space. The large amount of mass warps the space time around the black hole which causes intense gravity that suck everything in.

Do white holes suck up objects like black holes do?

White holes are theoretical regions of spacetime that expel matter and energy outward, the opposite of black holes which pull matter in. They do not suck up objects like black holes do. However, there is no observational evidence for the existence of white holes in the universe.

What does a black hole do with what it suck in?

The material sucked in to a black hole becomes part of the black hole - that is, a black hole crushes matter to an nearly no size, at all.

Does a black hole suck?

A black hole doesn't "suck" things in. It pulls them in with it's immense gravity. In order to suck something in, there must be something to fill in empty space such as air.

Can a black hole collapse a galaxy?

A single one, no, not realistically. A single one, no, not theoretically. Most of what black holes "suck up" isn't really destroyed inside the black hole. It may be spaghettified and then thrown off into the infinite ether of space in a quasar, but no black hole is large enough (or is there a galaxy small enough) for one to destroy (or suck up) a galaxy.

Can a moon get sucked into a black hole?

yes... it can because a black hole can even suck light in :) lol hope it helped.................................. c it can suck in nearley everything

Are they going to suck the world in a 2nd black hole?
