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It depends on what type of crab it is.

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Q: Do blue crabs live in salt water?
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no , crabs live in fresh water

What is the best way to store live blue crabs to be eaten in a few days?

In fresh salt water that has a water aerator to keep the water fresh constantly

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i hate you kind of water

What type of crabs live in fresh water?

Yes, there are many types of crabs that live in fresh water.

Where do crabs live salt water or fresh water?

Yes, Hermit crabs can survive in salt water but they dont live as long in water as they do on land

Do hermit crabs live in fresh or salt water?

Hermit crabs do need both types of water but they need both water because they need to clean themselves and they just drink salt water.

What kind of water do hermit crabs need?

Salt water hermit crabs need to live in ocean water that has been properly set up (like a reef aquarium). Land hermit crabs need access to both fresh and salt water but live the majority of their lives on land.

Do baby hermit crabs have to see salt water or normal water and how long until they hatch?

Honey they live in salt water come on.

Can hermit crabs live in only water?

No, there are some hermit crabs called purple pinchers and they happen to be land crabs.

Can crabs live with regular water?

no they cant im afraid unless they were born in tap water. otherwise they can only live in salt water. also, you cannot put salt into water and call that 'salt water' because that is simply dumb.

Do hermit crabs drink salt water?

Mostly water. They get it from sponges in the water. They cannot drink out of bodies of water because their mouth cannot sip. So they can only suck the water from sponges.

What kind of water do blue whales live in?

Salt water, they live in the seas and oceans.