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Q: Do boys use the left side of their brain more than girls?
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What is smarter girls or boys?

girl's have more brain cells

Why do girls talk more than boys?

Girls talk more than boys due to a certain protein in their brain. The protein is Foxp2 and girls have more of it than boys. This protein is associated with talking.

Why girls are more better than boys?

Both girls and boys have their own unique strengths and abilities. It is important to recognize and celebrate the qualities of each individual, regardless of gender. Promoting equality and diversity benefits society as a whole.

Why Boys are more responsible than girls?

Because , not to be mean, boys have a more powerful brain than girls and they can tell other people emotions more than girls. My teacher told me this and she is a girl

Why is Math so boring to some girls?

Math can be boring or people of both genders, but puts girls at a disadvantage. This is because the female brain deals better with language, while the male brain excels at math. This is a generalization and does not reflect the abilities of a certain individual because boys have their left brain more devloped, and girls have their right brain more devlolped..... i thiink that's right :) btw i hate math!and i am a girl

There is more boys or girls?

there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')

Are boys brains different than girls?

physically no. There are chemicals produced more by boys and others produced more by girls, so chemically, there can be a difference. Testosterone and Estrogen are the most commonly known of these. Boys produce more testosterone and girls produce more estrogen, so the brain will contain more of one or the other depending on gender.

Who has more hair girls or boyS?

Boys. Girls have more hair's than Boys!

Why do boys have more brain cells?

No. The brains aren't bigger, but the big difference is how they are used. Boys use more parts of their brain at the same time than girls do.

Who have more brain cells boys or girls?

I read a few years ago that baby boys and girl babies have the same amount of brain cells at birth but a solution washes over the boys brainh cells and kills out a certain amount of his brain cells. is this true?

Who spend more money girls or boys?

undoutedly, girls spend more money than boys.

Are there more girls than boys in 2012?

their are more girls than boys