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but insurance should cover most of it

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15y ago

no, probably around half the price.

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Q: Do braces cost the same the second time around?
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How much does braces cost with chains?

The base cost for braces is the same, at some point of braces treatment you may need a chain or several, there is no added cost to have a chain with braces since it's included in the original cost

Does it cost more to get rainbow braces?

No, it's like getting any other colored braces, the same price just different colors.

How much dose invisaline coast?

from what i see it says it cost about the same as regular braces

How much do braces cost if one tooth is sticking up?

Rather you have an overbite or wide spaces, or in your case one tooth sticking up, braces will all cost the same. At my ord. $5,000.

What are wire braces?

It has the same function as braces, but is only a wire. Like a retainer.

How do you make out with braces?

you would do the same thing just like you didnt have braces on.

Are braces and brackets the same?

Braces are the accual thing that makes em' BRACES. brackets are the little things that hold them together.

Can a flipper be worn with braces. I know someone who is missing a front tooth and now he has to get braces. Can his flipper be worn with the braces or what will they do?

ya! a flipper can be worn with braces! i was in the same situation and got braces yesterday!

Do you have to get top braces when you get bottom braces to?

No, not all people get both top and bottom braces at the same time. It all depends of what your orthodontist recommends.

What is the difference between retainers and braces?

Simple: Reatiners don't have the brackets. They are normally used to keep teeth in place. Braces have brackets, and are used to align your teeth to make them straight. --------------------------------- The retainer is used after the braces have straightened your teeth and have been removed. It helps you teeth 'retain' their shape.

What can you do if your teeth have moved years after having braces?

You have to get braces again. Yeah, bummer. Same thing happened to me. I thought once you had braces that was it. Forever. Not so. Many people find that their teeth begin to move 20, 30 + years after having their braces off. I'm 37 and had my braces off when I was around 12 or so. My teeth started moving a lot about two years ago. My dentist told me that lots of people need (what she called) "a second round of ortho." Ideally its best to have your teeth corrected before they get TOO much out of whack again. I just don't have the dental insurance for that. Braces nowadays come in clear and even removable form so you won't look like you did when you first had braces. Do a Google search on "adult braces" and you'll find plenty of articles! ~ T

How much do braces cost for children 12 and under?

There is NO age limit. They all cost the same. Mine cost 8,000AU For the US, the cost will range between $3000 and $10,000 or more depending on how complicated the case is and whether you can have braces fitted by a general dentist or you need to see an orthodontist or pediatric specialist. Regardless, there are ways to reduce your costs either through insurance or through discount programs and payment programs.