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More slowly. Brain waves are electrical impulses in the brain, and are VERY slow compared to electromagnetic energy in free space.

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Q: Do brainwaves travel faster or slower than the speed of light?
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Do brainwaves travel at the speed of light?


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No. Because of their mass, they travel slower than c.

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The speed of light is approx 299792458 metres per second. And it does not travel any faster nor slower in the US.

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No. It's the other way around ... sound is much slower. The numbers for each are thus: * Speed of Sound: 340.29 m/s * Speed of Light: 299,792,458 m/s Yup - light is faster ... much faster. You've never heard in the comic books "faster than the speed of light"??????

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No. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, and nothing can travel faster than light. Therefore, the quickest that anything could travel a light year is 1 year. A comet travels much slower than light.