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Venus flytraps survive on bugs that fly into their traps, and therefore do help it to grow and reproduce. The important nutrients the bugs contain help the plant to maintain it's growth during times when food is scarce. As it's environment has few nutrients, bugs are a key in order for the plant to live a healthy life.

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Q: Do bugs affect the Venus Flytraps growth?
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How can Venus Flytraps feel the bugs legs and body's?

Venus Flytraps merely digest the bug, not feel them.

Will Venus Flytraps eat dead bugs?

Yes they will, as long as they are not too old.

Do Venus Flytraps use oxygen?

No, but they do make oxygen as a product of photosynthesis. Venus Flytraps work like any plant, except that they can acquire extra nutrients from bugs.

What are the biotic factors of a Venus Flytrap?

abiotic factors of the venus fly trap are the place they live in the climant and were they live in

Can Venus flytraps anything else than bugs?

if you mean: can Venus flytraps trap anything else than bugs. than yes, sortof. they can trap things, like your finger, but it takes days before it digests. but they shood only be fed bugs such as: house flys, serten types of worms, lady bugs, small crickets, large ants, and spiders. hope that helps! zoey123.

Why are Venus's-flytraps important?

Venus Flytraps are important to life because they shallow deadly insects and keeps bugs away from us. Without the Venus Flytraps, thousands and thousands of deadly insects, such as mosquitoes which bring us malaria and locusts, bees etc would live to exist beside us on Earth. More importantly, Venus Flytraps are part of the Ecosystem and help deduce CO2 through respiration. They're just normal plants at the end of the day.

Is a Venus Flytrap good for catching bugs?

Yes, Venus Flytraps are good at catching and eating insects.

What kinds of bugs does a Venus Flytrap eat?

Venus Flytraps eat flies, ants, beetles, wood lice etc. They are also capable of eating small frogs in some environments.

Do Venus flytraps help others?

Yes. Many People do not like bugs flying around their homes if you are one of those people than yes.

What types of birds can eat a Venus Flytrap?

Venus Flytraps eat a variety of bugs. Here are the ones you should feed your Venus Flytrap: slugs, spiders, caterpillars (be careful with this insect and ants as they could eat your plant), crickets and of course flies. You could also feed it maggots.

Do Venus Flytraps have to eat bugs?

Yes. As their habitat lacks good quality nutrients and the chemical, Nitrogen, it is mandatory that the Flytrap gets its energy from other sources - eating insects. Photosynthesis alone would not keep the Venus Flytrap alive.

What do Venus Flytraps smell of?

Answer 1:It smells like fish and a plant combined.Answer 2:Venus Flytraps smell like any other plant to us but to other insects such as flies, they have a strong smell of dung which is what attracts them.