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No they can't think about it? That's like saying we can spit our insides up the answer is no. The bull shark in known for many things attaching humans, living in fresh water, and yes it is true bull sharks live in Great Lakes and rivers to. But a bull shark can spit up there insides they would die.. Bull sharks are very dangerous if you think they can't live in Lake Erie or lake michagain your wrong they can it's unusual to see them often but they can swim and live in great lakes

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Are female bull sharks called cow sharks?

No just bull sharks.

Are bull sharks exinct?

No, bull sharks are not extinct, but they are threatened.

Does bull sharks have horns?

No, despite their name, bull sharks are free of horns.

Are bull sharks in California?

Bull sharks need to live in water where it is warmer.

Why are they called bull sharks?

they are called bull sharks because they are larger than most sharks and are notoriously aggressive.

What colors are bull sharks?

Bull Sharks Are Gray Actually they are brown look it up on google images.

Why are bull sharks more aggresevethan great white sharks?

Because they have the name bull in it

What senses does the bull sharks have?

bull sharks have been known to use the bump and bite.

What do great white sharks and bull sharks have similar about them?

there sharks.

Do bull sharks live in Savannah river?

No. The only sharks that can live in fresh water are bull sharks, and it's too cold for them live in the Canadian river.

Are bull shark's dangereux?

Are bull sharks dangerous? Yes. Bull sharks are very territorial, and they are one of the three species of sharks most likely to attack humans (along with tiger sharks and great whites).