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Q: Do cacao beans grow in North America?
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Does corn grow in South America?

There are a number of crops found in South America. Some of these include beans, potatoes, quinoa, tomatoes, cashews, as well as cacao.

What are all the countries that grow cacao beans?

Australia nz America and austria if u don't know anymore look up on Google

How do midges make cacao beans?

Midges have nothing to do with cacao beans, which grow on a tree. Specifically, the Theobroma cacao also cacao tree and cocoa tree, which is a small (4-8 m {13-26 ft} tall) evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae, native to the deep tropical region of South America. Its seeds are used to make cocoa powder and chocolate.

How does a cocoa bean grow?

Chocolate is made of Cacao beans, and cacao beans grow near the equator. Some places that are well known for growing chocolate or Costa Rica and Equator.

What tree produces beans for chocolate?

The Cocoa Tree! The fruits of the cocoa tree are oval-shaped pods, 8 to 14 inches long, ranging in colour from yellow or green to red or violet and containing the cocoa beans. See

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the criollo cacao beans used to make chocolate?

* Criollo beans are used to make the best chocolate * Criollos are more flavorful beans than forasteros and trinitario beans * Roasted beans have a complexity of flavor yet mellow Here are some weaknesses of the criollo cacao bean: * Criollo beans are susceptible to disease * Criollos are more difficult to grow than forastero & trinitario beans * Produce a smaller harvest (less amount of cacao pods per tree) than forasteros & trinitarios * The cacao pods of the criollo produces fewer cacao beans than forasteros & trinitario beans * Beans cost considerably more than the two other hybrids

What crops can be grown in South America from sea level up to 3000 feet?

okay they grow maise corn beans abd cassva potato and sweet potato

Where does unsweetened chocolate come from?

Chocolate comes from cacao beans which grow in Latin America. In their natural state the beans have a very bitter taste; therefore, during processing varying amounts of sugar are added depending on whether you want bittersweet chocolate or very sweet milk chocolate.

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What are facts about chocolate?

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, also known as cacao beans, which come from rainforests in West Africa, South and Central America (where the tree originated) and Southeast Asia and parts of Oceania.The cacao beans are actually the seeds which grow within a pod-like fruit on the cacao tree.Specific countries where cocoa beans are grown are Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil and Ecuador.It is estimated that chocolate farmers produce around 3.8 million tons of cocoa beans every year.Chocolate contains antioxidants which may help prevent cancer or heart disease. However, the extra dairy and sugar added to chocolate tends to negate these benefits.

Could you grow cacao trees in the school grounds or local area?


Was there any type of money other than cocoa beans the Aztecs used?

The Aztecs used cacao beans (which they had to trade with the Mayans to get because the cacao tree could not grow in the area in which they lived). The Aztecs also used "hoe" money that was made from copper. It had a fixed weight and was in the shape of an axe head or a knife-like shape. The Spaniards called it tajaderos. Each piece of hoe money was worth 8,000 cacao seeds.