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Chocolate comes from cacao beans which grow in Latin America. In their natural state the beans have a very bitter taste; therefore, during processing varying amounts of sugar are added depending on whether you want bittersweet chocolate or very sweet milk chocolate.

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Q: Where does unsweetened chocolate come from?
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Related questions

What is unsweetened chocolate?

unsweetened chocolate is chocolate that doesn't have any suger.

What can be substituted for unsweetened chocolate?

regular chocolate.

Difference between unsweetened chocloate and semi sweet chocolate?

Semisweet chocolate has sugar in, unsweetened has no sugar.

Is unsweetened chocolate the same as bitter chocolate when used in a recipe?

Yes, baker's chocolate and unsweetened chocolate are the same.

Can you substitute milk chocolate for recipe that calls for unsweetened chocolate?


What store sells unsweetened chocolate?

Most grocers carry unsweetened chocolate in the baking needs area. Baker's is a popular brand in the US.

What is baker's chocolate?

Baker's chocolate is a variety of unsweetened chocolate used mostly for cooking.

How can you substitute unsweetened chocolate for semiweet chocolate?

dark with milk i think

Who invented unsweetened chocolate?

Ruth Graves Wakefield Invented The Unsweetened Chocolate. No one invented unsweetened chocolate. That is the natural state of chocolate. Cocoa is the purest form of chocolate since it's just ground up cacao beans. People invented sweetened chocolate. That was so long ago I doubt anyone knows who did it first.

How do you convert unsweetened baking chocolate to semisweet chocolate?

add some sugar

Can you use milk chocolate that you use for melting to substitute unsweetened choc?

While substituting chocolates can usually be done easily it usually by substituting an unsweetened type chocolate for a sweetened chocolate and adding sugar to make up for the sweetness. If you want to substitute in a sweetened chocolate for an unsweetened you will run into the problem of the extra sweetness.

Can you use milk chocolate for brownies instead of unsweetened chocolate?

Yes. Most packages of cocoa will list the correct amounts of cocoa powder and butter to use for a specific amount of unsweetened chocolate. For most brands of cocoa, three tablespoons cocoa powder plus one tablespoon butter = one ounce unsweetened chocolate.