

Do cats eat sweet foods

Updated: 12/8/2022
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13y ago

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NO, please don't give your cat anything with sugar in it, especially xylitol! Sugar is merely bad for cats, but xylitol (a healthy substitute for sugar) can be fatal. Please ignore your cat if he begs for sweet foods, it's not good for him, and can be dangerous!

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Q: Do cats eat sweet foods
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Why do you itch when you eat sweet foods?

Have yourself checked for Diabetes. I know that it makes your skin 'itchy', but I doubt if it is only after you eat 'sweet foods'. You could be allergic to some of these 'sweet foods'. See your doctor.

What kind of foods does most cats eat?

Cats eat cat food from the pet store.

Can you eat sweet food before fasting?

You can eat whatever you want, but it's not a good way to start a fast because sweet foods make you crave more sweet foods.

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What cats don't eat?

fruits, vegetables, and most sweet stuff.

Why do obese people eat very sweet and fatty foods?

As all people do, a person who has problems with their weight enjoys sweet and fatty foods because of the way the foods taste. However, just because a person is obese, does not mean that they eat very sweet and fatty foods. There may be other reasons for their weight, even though they eat a well balanced diet.

Do cats have sweet tastebuds?

No cats don't have sweet taste buds. Unlike us humans, cats can't taste anything sweet. So if you feed your cat watermelon the cat may eat it but, its taste buds don't realize they are eating something sweet.

What food can you eat with a stomach virus?

you should eat dry foods like crackers,bagels or white rice. NEVER EAT SWEET OR ACIDY FOODS.

Is it helpful to eat too much sweet foods?

If you eat to much your teeth will rot and you will get fat.

Why do we crave sweet and greasy foods?

It is NOT important for humans to crave both salty and sweet food. However both salt and carbohydrates (including sweet foods) are important in the human diet so it is important for people to want to have them.

What taste are cats un able to detect?

Cats are unable to taste sugar. The theory behind this is that cats evolved to gain all their nutrients from their prey, so never ate any sweet foods, thus lost the ability to taste such foods.

What foods should you not eat?

Anything deep fried or greasy. Super salty/sweet foods. Fast foods. Mostly T.V. dinners!