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Yes my cat had it and i took her to the vets they gave her penicillin. She lost her appetite but she was fine.

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Q: Do cats get infected tonsils or tonsillitis?
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Related questions

Why do you keep getting tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils are overwhelmed by bacteria. If it keeps occurring, the patient probably has chronic tonsillitis and needs their tonsils removed.

What is inflammation of the tonsils called?

Inflammation of the the tonsils is called tonsillitis.

Inflammation of the tonsils is known as?


What causes the tonsils to swell and get hard?


How do you spell tonsillitis?

The correct spelling is "tonsils" (lymphoid tissue in the throat).

If the tonsils are taken out can you still get tonsillitis?

No, if you have no tonsils then you cannot have inflamed tonsils.

Where does the pus on your tonsils come from?

It depends... Sometimes the tonsils are infected with bacteria (tonsillitis) and pus will drain out. If this is recurring, there might be an indication to have them removed (tonsillectomy). It you find that what is coming out is hard and white but your throat doesn't hurt, you might simply have tonsils with crypts in which food particles get stuck.

What does the word tonsillitis mean?

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by viral or bacterial infection.

What is tonsillitis surgery?

It is the procedure to have your tonsils removed which are found in the back of your throat. This is usually done today due to the tonsils being infected or otherwise damaged. It does not cause any real permanent damage and usually you recover in a few days.

Had tonsils removed 18 months ago so how come you now have tonsillitis?

You can't have tonsillitis if you have no tonsils. Contact your health care provider to clarify your recommended diagnosis and treatment.

What causes inflamed tonsils aside from tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis, by definition, is the condition of inflamed tonsils. I think you're confused about your diagnosis. Contact your health care provider to clarify the situation.

Is tonsillitis a bacteria or virus?

Tonsillitis is simply an inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsillitis can be caused by either bacteria or viruses. The tonsils are part of the immune system and pathogens (disease causing organisms) are usually encounter these tissues first. Your body then mounts an immune response that results in inflammation of the tonsils. Inflammation is characterized by pain, swelling, redness, and heat. When in your tonsils, that means a sore throat.