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Adult centrioles are said to lie at right angles, but a critical review of the literature reveals no support for this information.

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Q: Do centrioles lie at right angles in a cell?
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What lie at right angles in the cell?


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rod-shaped? The nucleus is filled with protons and neutrons, usually depicted as spheres. you are thinking of a nucleus in an atom (chemistry). in biology, the rod-shaped structures inside the nucleus is the chromosome, the genetic material of the cell.

Centrioles lie in a region called the which helps to organize the spindle fibers?

The centrioles duplicate and then move to each "pole" of the cell. The duplicated chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate (equator). Here is a good drawing showing the centrioles and the spindle at the link below:

What are lines that lie in the same plane and intersect at right angles?

Perpendicular lines.

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They have leaves that tend to lie in a plane at right angles to the strongest light, hence usually north and south.

What angles lie on the same side of the transversal?

Corresponding and alternate angles

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They have leaves that tend to lie in a plane at right angles to the strongest light, hence usually north and south.

What are the quadrant angles?

Quadrant angles are the angle lies in different quadrants. The angles which lie between 0° and 90° are said to lie in the first quadrant. The angles between 90° and 180° are in the second quadrant, angles between 180° and 270° are in the third quadrant and angles between 270° and 360° are in the fourth quadrant Quadrant angles are the angle lies in different quadrants. The angles which lie between 0° and 90° are said to lie in the first quadrant. The angles between 90° and 180° are in the second quadrant, angles between 180° and 270° are in the third quadrant and angles between 270° and 360° are in the fourth quadrant

Nonadjacent interior angles that lie on opposite sides of the transversal?

Alternate Interior Angles

What angles are nonadjacent and lie on opposite sides of the transversal on the outside?

They are equal alternate angles.

How many degrees are there in a kite?

A kite is a 4 sided quadrilateral and its 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees, as in all quadrilaterals. The two diagonals lie at right-angles to each other.