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In genral all hospitals have their own policy's regarding diapers.

The best pepole to ask would be the hospital you are going to / staying at.

I think it iis genrally accepted though that children under five wear diapers in hospitals not just due to incontinence but also because of the anxiety that a hospital stay can casue in a young child.

People on the ICU ward offten wear diapers due to TBI and COMA.

(forgive me I dont know the technical name of this ward)

People on the bone ward with certin kinds of bone fractures offten wear diapers because they have to stay imobile.

Many people over 60 in hospital may have to wear diapers due to medical incontinence or simply old age. I think some hospitals make it a policy that people over 60 have to wear diapers and can not walk / around the hospital unassisted or without the aid of a chair.

I think thats rediculus.

Many men you are in hospital for prostate sugary offten have to wear a diaper affter sugary.

And obviously Babies and toddlers though that comes under children under five.

In Germany Children and Teenagers you are bought in to hospital with alcohol poisning are diaperd regardless of age. Ever wet or craped your self when drunk ? thats because of low cognitive functiion just like someone with either Severe autism, TBI or in a COMA.

I reserve the right to mention Autism as I have High Functining Autism aka Aspergers Syndrome.

In Japan and China there are so called Exicution Halls wich are basicaly Hospital type buildings that prisoners are taken to be Exicuted. All Prisoners there are diaperd regardless of age before exicution.

In rushia, bulgeria and sevral other of the poor countries and a few in america there are so called Mental Hospitals " Asiylums" these are for, not just people with mental health problems, but people who dont confom to societieys standard of normality due to either an abnormal social life, disability, an abnormal sexuality, a criminal history or have simpoly been abandond at birth or by there parents.

Over 3/4 of the inmates in these so called Mental Hospitals are in diapers, many are in cribs and have no form of social stimulation. They are changed once a day, fed once a day, washed once a day and then ignored. You walk in to a ward and you see adults the size of 4 year olds, their bodies twisted and corntorted, banging their heads on the bars of their cribs and no one is their to stop them.

Of Course in all cases were diapers are used in hospitals it depends on two things, the hospitals policy for diaper usage, and the medical need for diaper usage as requierd by that person.

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