

Do chickens have wet tongues

Updated: 10/7/2023
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Q: Do chickens have wet tongues
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What is your mouth like when you kiss with tongues?

During a French kiss, both partners' mouths are open and their tongues touch and move together in a rhythmic manner. It's a common form of intimate physical interaction that can deepen the connection between partners.

What is a baby chickens habitat like?

Wet and warm.

Why do your chickens look wet?

cause that's how God made them

Do rooster got sick if they get wet?

No. Chickens will go out in the rain and do fine. They don't like to get wet but they will not get sick from it.

What does as silly as a wet hen mean?

Nothing. "Mad as a wet hen," however, means very angry, as chickens are supposed to hate getting wet.

If your chicken gets wet on its neck will it die?

No it should not die, chickens get wet in the rain. They get wet from splashing through the water dish and they get very wet when feeding outside after a rain.

Why do chickens have red tongues?

god made them that way _____ I would asume because the cells that register taste need more blood to funtion..

Why dont chickens lay as much eggs in wet weather?

Chickens will lay more eggs when it is warm and sunny. You can put a light where the nests are to innfluence the chickens to lay more eggs.

Would leaving wet chicken food left to go mouldy harm your chickens in any way?

Yes, chickens cannot eat moldy food...

Will chickens get sick if they are wet?

They can but not on a daily basis. From Juliene Faith Williams!!

Why are tongues wet?

Our tongues are always wet because the moisture helps to stop friction when we use our mouths to talk and eat, our saliva glands pump saliva into our mouths all the time.. they are wet all the time, you have to swallow so your mouth doesnt overflow. you will dribble like a baby haha if your tongue doesnt produce saliva your mouth will catch on fire and you will slwly melt to death.. hahahahahahahahaha.

What is the origin of the idiom 'madder than a wet hen'?

"Madder than a wet hen" probably originated in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Supposedly, chickens get angry if they get dumped in water, although I have never personally seen a chicken get angry about being wet - and I grew up in the Appalachians with chickens. I can testify that many American southerners do use this phrase to mean someone who is very angry.