

Do cod eat zooplankton

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Cod are bottom feeding fish that live in the ocean. They are one of the main consumers of Zooplankton as well as worm, squid and small fish.

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9y ago

Squids eat a variety of things. They eat plankton, small fish, plants, and even shrimp. Larger squid can eat larger fish.

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Q: Do cod eat zooplankton
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Cod eat zooplankton or phytoplankton?

Yes, cod eats zooplankton and phytoplankton. As well as other small fishes and plants for a regular diet.

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Arctic Cod are meat eaters who prefer hunting at night. Arctic Cod eat other cod, mussels, worms, haddock, and sand eels.

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no zooplankton dont eat seaweed, and krill eats zooplankton, some whales eat zooplankton, there are also others i cant think of

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Phytoplankton is eaten by Zooplankton. Zooplankton is eaten by Krill, Squid, and Cod. Krill is eaten by Penguins which are eaten by Leopard seals, which also eat Cod. Leopard Seals, Killer Whales, and Elephant Seals eat squid. Killer Whales eat Elephant Seals and Leopard Seals as well.

What do zooplankton eat?

Zooplankton eat phytoplankton, other zooplankton, and decomposing matter. "Zooplankton" refers to small aquatic animals. The "zoo-" prefix refers to animals, as in zoology, and zoo (which is short for "zoological garden".

Do shrimp eat zooplankton?

Shrimp eat zooplankton because they are smaller then shrimp

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Bacteria can only eat zooplankton when it is dead. Zooplankton are small fish that look like shrimp which are commonly found in water bodies.

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What is the difference between herbivorous zooplankton and carnivorous zooplankton?

they eat diffeint foods

Do zooplankton eat seagrass?

Zooplankton are the largest of the plankton organisms. They do not eat Seagrass, they feed off of other types of plankton.