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In my experience, yes they offer both.

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Q: Do community colleges offer minors as well as associates degrees?
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Why the crufew law is important?

it protects the community from juvenile crime also its for protection against your self and other minors

What are the penalties for minors convicted of nondriving alcoholrelated offenses?

fine up to $500 and 8-12 hours of community service

Where can someone study to be a design interior decorator?

There are many colleges and universities with majors and minors in interior decorating such as The Art Institutes. However, training is not required to be an interior decorator.

Why do you have to be 18 to go to Marilyn mansons website?

Because some of the content on the website is not suitable for minors or persons under the age of majority in their community.

What colleges offer Irish studies minors?

The University of Toronto and Harvard University offer degree programs in Celtic studies. Many universities in Ireland and the United Kingdom also offer these programs.

What are emancipated minors?

Emancipated minors are minors who have been legally released from the control of their parents.

Is it illegal for minors to eat food prepared with alcohol?

It is not illegal for minors to eat food prepared with alcohol, alcohol rapidly evaporates at room temperature and boils at 173 degrees. These properties cause the alcohol to evaporate from the food during cooking, leaving only the flavor from the liquor.

What are the penalties for minors persons under the age of 21 convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol?

Punishable by a fine up to $500.00 not less than 40 nor more than 60 hours of community service, and the minors drivers license may be suspended (or driving privilege denied)

How did Mormons and minors get along?

many Mormons are minors

Are married minors legal adults?

No, they are still minors.

Do minors do drugs?

Most definitely minors do drugs.

Is there no law against minors smoking?

It is illegal for minors to smoke and also illegal to sell tobacco products to minors.