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Q: Do cyclones increase around warm water?
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Are cyclones formed and high air pressure?

Cyclones, Hurricanes, and Typhoons (different names for the same type of storm) form around low pressure zones above warm ocean water.

How do cyclones link to global warming?

The huge winds needed to cause cyclones requires very warm water, so hurricanes and cyclones mainly occur during the summer (hurricane season). As global warming grows, it is very possible that water temperatures increase enough to cause more strong winds. More strong winds cause more cyclones which can develop into hurricanes.

Does a cyclone start at the water?

Not necessarily. Although tropical cyclones can only form over warm ocean water, extratropical cyclones can form over land.

Why doesn't Tasmania get cyclones?

Hurricanes and Tropical cyclones need to be in ideal conditions in order to form. One of these conditions is water temperature, the ocean surface temperature must be 26.5 degrees Celsius or more in order to form, these water temperatures are found most commonly around the tropics and equator. Tasmania is nearer to the poles than the tropics, hence the water is far cooler than what is necessary for a cyclone to form.

What fuels cyclones?

Cyclones are fueled by warm temperatures and waters. Cyclones thrive in warm climates and waters. Once they reach colder waters, they start to dissipate.

What happens when a hurricane moves over warm water?

It will normally strengthen. The evaporation from very warm water provides the energy source for hurricanes and other tropical cyclones.

Can cyclones hit Adelaide?

Cyclones cannot hit Adelaide. Cyclones form in warm tropical waters, and then follow warm currents, but no warm currents extend from Australia's warmer waters to the south where Adelaide is located.

Why does Queensland have cyclones?

Northern Australia and the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans generate ideal conditions for the development of cyclones. Cyclones need warm cean temperatures of 26.5 degrees or higher to form. The sea currents around northern Australia, the Indian Ocean to its northwest and the Coral Sea to the northeast have these warmer sea currents. Not all of Australia has cyclones, because regions further south do not have warm enough waters to generate the conditions needed.

Do typhoons form at cold continents?

No. Typhoons are tropical cyclones, and as such can only form over warm ocean water.

Where do cyclones start to appear?

in warm climates (warm places) near the equator.

How are Typhoons and tropical cyclones different?

Cyclones occur in a variety of areas around the world. "Cyclone" is the generic term for cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes. Cyclones develop in the warm seas near the equator, but do not cross the equator. Those in the southern hemisphere are usually known as cyclones, but cyclones in the China Sea region are often called typhoons, whilst those in the Americas and the Atlantic Ocean are known as hurricanes.

Where do most cyclones occur?

Cyclones form and occur in a variety of areas around the world. "Cyclone" is the generic term for cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes. Cyclones develop in the warm seas near the equator, but do not cross the equator. Those in the Southern Hemisphere are usually known as cyclones, but cyclones in the China Sea region are often called typhoons, whilst those in the Americas and the Atlantic Ocean are known as hurricanes. Cyclones are prevalent in humid, tropical, warm to hot regions. They require a minimum sea temperature of 26.5 degrees Celsius in order to form. They do not usually occur north of the Tropic of Cancer or south of the Tropic of Capricorn as the sea temperature is not generally high enough to support the development of a cyclone. There are always exceptions, however, and in Australia they have been known to move south of the Tropic of Capricorn after forming further north. This is because they follow the warm water currents.