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Parents are also diploid, only gametes are haploid (at least, if we are talking about animal species; some plants have alternating generations, which have both haploid and diploid adults).

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Q: Do diploid cells have more chromosomes than the parent?
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What is the difference between diploid and haploid cells?

Diploid cells contain two complete sets of chromosomes, reproduce by mitosis, and are usually somatic cells. Haploid cells contain one complete set of chromosomes, reproduce by meiosis, and are usually sex cells.

How many haploid cells come from one diploid?

If you are asking about cellular meiosis, one diploid parent cell will ultimately form four haploid daughter cells. The parent cell replicates all of its DNA, splits into two intermediate daughter cells that are diploid, and each of these intermediate daughter cells splits to form two more daughter cells. The end result is four haploid cells.

Example of a human diploid cell?

Homp sapien cell are diploid. all except the sex cells i.e sperm in males and eggs in females. Trypanosomes - parasitic protozoa that cause African sleeping sickeness are also diploid organisms.

How many chromosomes does a koala have?

8becausea koala has 8 chromosomes in its sperm cell therefore 8 chromosomes in a koala egg.

How many diploid in humans?

The diploid human cells have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Out of these 46, twenty two pairs (44 in total) are autosomes and one pair (two chromosomes) are sex chromosomes. In female both sex chromosomes are identical and called xx type, whereas in male one sex chromosome is very small in comparison to the other, being termed as y. Thus male human being has xy type of sex chromosomes. Thus on the basis of sex chromosomes one can determine each human body cell from male or female individual.

Related questions

What is the difference between diploid and haploid cells?

Diploid cells contain two complete sets of chromosomes, reproduce by mitosis, and are usually somatic cells. Haploid cells contain one complete set of chromosomes, reproduce by meiosis, and are usually sex cells.

How many haploid cells come from one diploid?

If you are asking about cellular meiosis, one diploid parent cell will ultimately form four haploid daughter cells. The parent cell replicates all of its DNA, splits into two intermediate daughter cells that are diploid, and each of these intermediate daughter cells splits to form two more daughter cells. The end result is four haploid cells.

Example of a human diploid cell?

Homp sapien cell are diploid. all except the sex cells i.e sperm in males and eggs in females. Trypanosomes - parasitic protozoa that cause African sleeping sickeness are also diploid organisms.

How many cells are produced from one parent cell with meosis?

The short answer is four (if you consider the diploid cell formed by the combination of a mother cell and a father cell to be the "parent cell". Meiosis begins with one diploid cell containing two copies of each chromosome-one from the organism's mother and one from its father-and produces four haploid cells containing one copy of each chromosome. Since this requires both a father cell and a mother cell to combine to form a single diploid cell, you go from two cells to one cell to four cells.

How many chromosomes does a koala have?

8becausea koala has 8 chromosomes in its sperm cell therefore 8 chromosomes in a koala egg.

How many diploid in humans?

The diploid human cells have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Out of these 46, twenty two pairs (44 in total) are autosomes and one pair (two chromosomes) are sex chromosomes. In female both sex chromosomes are identical and called xx type, whereas in male one sex chromosome is very small in comparison to the other, being termed as y. Thus male human being has xy type of sex chromosomes. Thus on the basis of sex chromosomes one can determine each human body cell from male or female individual.

Why is a red blood cell diploid?

Red blood cells are not diploid. RBCs become de-nucleated (their nucleus is removed) to make room for more hemoglobin. Because of this, RBCs have no chromosomes, and, therefore, they are neither haploid, nor diploid, nor any other ploidy, for that matter.

Why do gametes have half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells?

Since you need 46 chromosomes total to function properly, and each of your parents have 46 chromosomes, you need to get 23 chromosomes from each of your parents in order to have the correct number of 46 chromosomes. You get 22 somatic chromosomes (autosomes) and 1 sex chromosome from each parent. Of course, during oogenesis or spermatogenesis, there could be nondisjunction, resulting in you receiving more or less chromosomes than you should. An example of this is Down Syndrome, where you receive an extra copy of Chromosome 21 from either parent. However, generally you will only receive 23 chromosomes from each parent (through their gametes) so that when they combine, you will have the correct 46 chromosomes. That is why gametes (haploid) have half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells (diploid).

What are two ways that sex cells differ from other cells?

Chromosomes are basically our DNA combined with structural protein. Sex cells contain chromosomes. Chromosomes are packaged genetic information while sex cells are the means by which people reproduce.

Why are egg and sperm cells haploid?

are little more than flagellated nuclei. Each consists of a head, which has an acrosome at its tip and contains a haploid set of chromosomes in a compact, inactive, state.

How many chromosomes are seen in a human sperm cell more than a human blood cell?

Red blood cells have no genetic information in them. White blood cells have the usual diploid number 46 (23 pairs). Sperm cells are haploid, so have 23 chromosomes.

If a cell has four chromosomes before mitosis how many chromosomes will the cell have after mitosis?

Well, the original parent has 8 chromosomes, and the result of mitosis is 2 diploid daughter cells, so both daughter cells will end up wit the same number of chromosomes as the mother-8. ok woow to much writing in more simple terms that would mean 16 cells during- 8 cells after