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Domesticated dogs do not have red eye shine. It is most likley ur dog has a small percentage of timberwolf ancestry. This is fairly comen in husky breeds in the us especially Florida

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Q: Do dogs have red reflective eyes I have a lab rot husky mix that has red reflective eyes?
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What dog breed is large and all black with blue eyes and fur like a Husky or a Collie not like a lab?

its very hard to get a black dog with blue eyes, dogs with blue eyes are usually white but for everything else the only breed i can think of is the Akida, large dog, very similar to the Husky and Malamute breeds and can come in white, black and various other colours and blue eyes are not that rare in the breed

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I have a black lab and a St.Bernard and the black lab constantly licks my St.Bernards eyes and jowls. When I asked my vet why he did this so much they told me it was a nurturing quality and that my lab was just looking after my St.Bernard.

Are Siberian husky lab retrievers hypoallergenic?

Siberian huskys blow there coat 2 times a year and no they are not hypoallergenic.Same thing with labs it also sheds a lot.Both are not hypoallergenic.

What dogs can you unlock in Nintendogs lab and friends?

German Shepard, Shi Tzu , Yorkie, Sheltie, Golden Retriever, Dachshund, Chihuahua, Beagle, Dalmatian, Cavaleir K.C. Spaniel, Boxer, Pug, Husky,

What is Liam Payne dogs name?

He doesn't have a dog, but his sisters do have a Lab named Brit.Edit:As of 3/19/13 Liam and his girlfriend Danielle Peazer have a new husky puppy named Loki.

Why is your female lab mix aggressive only with a husky mix who lives in the neighborhood She gets along with all the other dogs?

Dogs are a good judge of Character with both humans and Dogs. she is more than likely feeling intimidated and/or in a power struggle with what she see's as a rival. Not much you can do about it, dogs tend to be very territorial and will fight if they feel that another dog is trying to take over what they feel is rightfully theirs. A few things to watch ...... when and where is the dog when your lab seems to be the most agressive? is the husky a female? Where are your labs "buddies" at the time? watching her when she shows her anger toward this other dog will give you some insight as to what is setting her off.

How you get a black lab on petz dogz pack?

You can breed a germanshepherd with a husky or A beagle and that should get u the lab if not just go to yahoo for the code

What does a black lab look like?

Ok well, some have droopy eyes, wide bodys, black of course,and are pretty smart dogs :D

How many puppies can a rat terrier have?

what does a jack russell mix with husky lab look like

Do you have a dog if so what breed?

2 mixes- one is a Husky-Labrador the other is Australian Heeler and Lab

How big will a lab husky get?

A cross-breed has the potential to grow to the full size of the largest parent's breed.

How much do lab dogs cost?

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